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Z.E.R.O. debuts at SxSW (with your help of course) 26 Aug 2013 | 07:15 pm
Yes, it's that time of the year again. Time to rock the vote as the SxSW panel picker moves into overdrive and the audience participation phase of the rigorous selection process begins. For those of ...
8 of my previous MediaPost Online Spin articles 26 Aug 2013 | 06:24 pm
It's been a while since I've shared my MediaPost Online Spin articles, so here are the previous 8 in reverse chronological order. The opportunity cost of Inertia - What is the risk of doing nothing? ...
More joseph jaffe related news:
Super Bowl 2013 – A 2nd Screen Experiment 5 Feb 2013 | 02:22 am
TV Advertising was said to be dead a few years ago. Life after the 30-Second Spot by Joseph Jaffe was only one publication that comes to mind but the talk was everywhere. Yet, advertisers paid close t...
Joseph Jaffe: nuevos medios, los clientes de siempre y los nuevos clientes 27 Jun 2013 | 01:11 am
Joseph Jaffe, referente de las áreas de innovación, marketing, nuevos medios y redes sociales, es un emprendedor y reconocido blogger y podcaster, estuvo presente en el World Marketig Forum México 201...
8bit Animated Color Art 8 May 2012 | 04:51 am
Mark Ferrari and Joseph Huckaby created some gorgeous animated art using 8 bit color and HTML 5 color cycling. I have no idea what that means, but it’s like someone opened up a Nintendo NES system and...
Nokia ‘N97’ Phone Review 15 May 2010 | 05:52 pm
sun laboratories|Joseph Healey Hedge Fund Nokia N97 is a touchscreen combined handset and "mobile computer" in the ‘N’ series of smartphones unveiled by the Finnish giant, with a fold-out QWERTY keyb...
A New Way To Sell Your House – Bury St. Joseph In Your Yard 12 Feb 2011 | 10:23 pm
Are you religious (or not) and looking for a new way to speed up the process of selling your home? If so, you may want to try what one person did to help sell her home in Brooklyn, N.Y. during this......
St. Joseph Church – Tseminyu 30 Apr 2010 | 12:33 am
Contact Details St. Joseph Church Tseminyu Nagaland Pin : 797 109
(VIDEO) Rep. Ron Paul: Frightening That Rand Co. And Obama Want Total Korean War To Help Economy… 25 Nov 2010 | 08:42 pm
Ron Paul: Korea Conflict May Be Orchestrated Crisis To Boost Dollar Paul Joseph Watson November 23, 2010 Congressman Ron Paul speculated on the Alex Jones Show today that the war foot...
Wednesday Hero – Spc Joseph A. Graves 8 Dec 2011 | 03:43 pm
I know I am always late in posting but whether late or not I will post the Wednesday Hero series! Spc. Joseph A. Graves 21 years old from Discovery Bay, California 110th Military Police Company, 720th...
Cisza w głównym nurcie 24 May 2011 | 06:45 am
Wyobraźcie sobie Państwo, co by się stało, gdyby były szef FBI, np. Louis Joseph Freeh, powiedział w wywiadzie, że za kadencji Billa Clintona stało się jasne, że Partia Demokratyczna brała udział w pr...
Musique avant de danser 25 Jun 2010 | 02:16 am
C'était le prolongement naturel de la Fête de la musique. Après les scènes éclatées samedi, entre le Chat d'Oc et le centre culturel, dimanche, l'église Saint-Joseph accueillait un nombreu...