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Students were cleaning the area of the Summer Theater in Dobrich 14 May 2012 | 11:03 pm
Students and personnel of International University College took part in the initiative “Let’s clean Bulgaria for 1 day”. A day earlier thought, on Friday the 11th of May, about 40 people – foreign and...
More journal of tourism research related news:
“Tourism Spring” For Dubai As Chinese Tourists Arrive En Masse 18 May 2012 | 02:25 pm
193,000 Hotel Stays Recorded Since January With trips by Chinese outbound tourists expected to grow to 80 million trips this year, according to the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute (COTRI), ...
SWTOR & Co: Online-Rollenspiele beeinflussen die Ehe laut Studie negativ 18 Feb 2012 | 12:33 am
Einer Studie der Brigham Young University zufolge, die am 15. Februar im Journal of Leisure Research veröffentlicht wurde, beeinflusst das Zocken von Online-Rollenspielen das Eheleben negativ. Allerdi...
Korean Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo: Retrospective Analysis 17 Dec 2010 | 02:05 am
Jay Wang is an associate professor of strategic communication at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. His numerous research projects and articles ...
Accommodation for ex-offenders: Third sector housing advice and provision 24 Apr 2012 | 09:34 pm
Author: Gojkovic, G., Mills, A. and Meek, R. Publisher/Journal: Thurd Sector Research Centre Publication year: 2012 This paper draws on a qualitative study in eight prisons and one probation ...
„Śmierdzące” żaby kluczem do zwalczania infekcji opornych na antybiotyki 3 Dec 2011 | 11:23 am
Według najnowszych badań opublikowanych w Journal of Proteome Research cuchnące żaby mogą uratować życie wielu ludzi. Badanie dziewięciu chińskich gatunków „pachnących” płazów wykazało zdumiewającą il...
Mars’ta Okyanus Olduğunun Kanıtları Bulundu 26 Nov 2009 | 03:09 am
Mars’ta okyanus olduğunun kanıtları bulundu. Journal of Geophysical Research dergisinde Mars’ta okyanus olduğunun kanıtları yayınlandı. Mars’ta büyük okyanusun varlığına dair yeni kanıt bulundu. Mar...
Lidé s VELKOU vidličkou toho sní méně než ti s MALOU vidličkou. Ano, i s malým kašpárkem - promiňte, vidličkou - lze sníst velké divadlo 18 Jul 2011 | 07:29 am
By now you’ve probably heard — from nutritionists, diet books and TV personalities — that bigger plates encourage people to eat more food. A new study, published in The Journal of Consumer Research, f...
Coffee drinkers are less sensitive to muscle pain 15 Jun 2011 | 01:14 pm
In an editorial printed within the Journal of Pain, researchers theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle pain by blocking the activity of a chemical referred to as adenosine. Adenosine is released...
DPA to Continue Maine Tourism Research Program 16 Jan 2012 | 03:40 am
Kennebunk, ME January 12, 2012 – DPA, the travel & tourism brand of Digital Research, Inc., headquartered in Kennebunk, ME, today announced that it has again been awarded the research contract with ...
Anti-TB and Counterpain from Sponges, Snails 27 Mar 2012 | 01:55 am
Source : Journal online News Researcher from the University of the Philippines are now marine microorganisms in sponges that may lead to the discovery of new drugs for tuberculosis, pneumonia and oth...