Most joyful sunday related news are at:

Duke's Take... Happy New Year 12 Jan 2013 | 12:35 am
Hello, friends! It's me Duke. I know it's been a long time, but I'm sure you're all going to understand. I am living in a house with not one, but two women with some male company from my Dad every cou...
Lucy's Take... What I've Been Ups To! 15 Dec 2012 | 01:57 am
Duke and I's human is very busy, and so's I begged to say hello to all of you for her! And Duke's gonna gets his turn too! We boths haves to step up to the plates and help da human outs! She's real...
More joyful sunday related news:
Unicorn Day at Toy Joy 27 Aug 2013 | 02:06 am
Sunday, September 1, 2013 is Unicorn Day at Toy Joy! Visit the store between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. to celebrate the existence of unicorns with uni-events, uni-costumes, and uni-sales on all unicorn-relat...
創作有時 作品展 (Sep-27 updated) 20 Sep 2008 | 09:17 pm
(按圖放大) Sep-27 新消息:Guerrilla Movie - Alfie & Nova 的電影作品《Sunday Morning》首場將會於9月28日(星期日)晚上七時正放映,片場約2小時03分。其後將會於展覧期內每個星期日晚上同樣時間放映。
Peace & Joy 14 Dec 2011 | 12:18 pm
Happy Holidays, Peace & Joy on Christmas, and all the best in 2012!
Sunday After Sunset (Jupiter, Moon & Venus) 29 Feb 2012 | 10:00 pm
Joy Division: Plus Minus (+ –) 6 Dec 2010 | 02:21 am
First off I’d like to apologise to Studio Parris Wakefield for taking my sweet time to get this post together. But at least I’ve timed this post with the day of it’s release. If you have a Joy Divisi...
Why I Talk to Trees, Play In the Rain and Love My Strangeness 25 May 2012 | 09:41 am
I write a lot about living a happy life, but much of the joy in my life comes from moments that may seem a wee bit strange to some people. The events of the past week are a perfect example. The Stor...
New Miss USA crowned in Las Vegas 20 Jun 2011 | 06:43 pm
A 21-year-old auburn-haired California model won the Miss USA crown Sunday night and will represent the nation in this year's Miss Universe pageant. Alyssa Campanella of Los Angeles topped a field of...
World's longest passenger aircraft 20 Jun 2011 | 06:40 pm
LE BOURGET: Boeing Co's (BA.N) 747-8 Intercontinental, the new elongated passenger version of its legendary jumbo jet, made its international debut on Sunday, under cloudy skies after a half-hour dela...
Sharing words 26 Feb 2007 | 03:33 pm
It always amuses me to see the surprise reaction when I mention that I enjoy reading. "What? You Read? Books? You mean programming books, right? No?" Personally, I find that there's a simple joy fro...
New Show: London, UK | July 15th 23 May 2012 | 03:21 am
The Mars Volta are performing at the HMV Forum in London, UK on Sunday, July 15, 2012. Tickets on sale Friday, May 25th at 9am local time: click here for details.