Most jquery cdn google related news are at:

Instagram Founder Backtracks on Selling Your Images after User Outrage 19 Dec 2012 | 03:27 am
The co-founder of Instagram released a panic control statement today after users started dumping their accounts due to the new Terms of Service agreement that allows them to Sell your images or use th...
Microsoft Windows 8 Upgrade $15 for some $40 for the rest of us 30 Oct 2012 | 11:33 pm
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is really happy calling it “stunning” that they beat Apple by selling 4 million upgrades to Windows 8 in the first 3 days of its launch but Microsoft holds a much higher pe...
More jquery cdn google related news:
jquery 加载 google-analytics 14 May 2012 | 06:23 pm
<script type=”text/javascript”> var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”); $.getScript(gaJsHost + “”,function(){ try { va...
jQuery 1.6 Released 4 May 2011 | 07:39 pm
jQuery 1.6 is now available for download! jQuery CDN: Microsoft Ajax CDN:
GoMap : non pas un mais, The ULTIMATE plugin jQuery pour Google Map (v3) 6 Jul 2011 | 07:07 pm
Aujourd’hui j’ai joué au roi Arthur, j’ai fait ma quête pour le Graal. Une multitude de plugins Google Map sont passé sous mon œil de lynx, ouverts sur mon Netbeans à les scruter, dans la documentatio...
jQuery and Google Analytics: Take 2 10 Dec 2010 | 09:30 am
Awhile back I had reported on my findings of how to use jQuery to automatically tag links on my site (that link to a site that is not my own) for event tracking with Google Analytics. Although there ...
How to load jQuery from Google CDN with fallback to a local copy 26 May 2012 | 08:05 am
I’m not saying Google Content Delivery Networks (CDN) is not stable enough to serve just about anything, it is, however, always better to rely on an alternative in case anything went wrong. Therefore...
Ausgehende Links in WordPress mit Google Analytics & jQuery tracken 29 Jan 2011 | 10:46 am
Es folgt eine Anleitung, wie man ausgehende Links (sog. Outbound Links) in WordPress mit Hilfe von jQuery und Google Analytics tracken kann. Dazu bindet man die jQuery-Library im zum Einsatz kommende...
Preloaden Afbeeldingen met jQuery 4 Oct 2011 | 11:13 pm
Als je afbeeldingen van tevoren geladen wil hebben zoals hover afbeeldingen voor een menu bijvoorbeeld en als je dit cross browser wil werkende hebben is jQuery en Google je vriend. jQuery helpt je al...
Sleek n Simple Menu using jQuery 25 Jun 2011 | 05:24 am
This simple menu is created using jquery + CSS + Google web font. Since no image is involved, it is Read the Rest... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other conten...
jQuery 1.7 Released 5 Nov 2011 | 09:01 am
jQuery 1.7 готов к загрузке! Можно скачать с jQuery CDN: Так же этот релиз будет готов к загрузке с Google и Microsoft ...
jQuery CDN 16 Jun 2009 | 10:54 pm
Just a quick heads up regarding a new resource site I set up about jQuery CDN’s. Cruise over there and you can find out why it’s a good idea to let a content delivery network (like Google, Microsoft o...