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More jquery country selector related news:
Redesigning the Country Selector - Baymard Institute 12 Nov 2011 | 10:28 am
Using principles of progressive enhancement we turn a standard drop-down into an advanced auto-complete field. This means the drop-down remains accessible, while providing a much better experience in ...
[JQuery] 選擇器 Selectors 8 May 2012 | 03:04 pm
jQuery 的 selector 主要有三種, 其目的在於選擇 HTML 中的元素: 1. HTML Tag - 例如 $('p') 可以選取所有 元素 2. 元素 ID - 例如 $('#myId') 選取 ID 為 myId 的特定元素 3. CSS 類別 - 例如 $('.myClass') 選取所有套用 myClass 類別的元素 在 jQuery 中就只有這三種標示法。不過如果...
jQuery - contains selector 22 Sep 2010 | 01:19 pm
contains selector thường được dùng để tìm kiếm những HTML DOM có chứa chuỗi cần tìm(có phân biệt chữ hoa, chữ thường). Cách thức sử dụng như sau: jQuery(":contains('text')"): trả ra danh sách tất cả...
jQuery wildcard selectors – update 24 Apr 2009 | 09:16 pm
Hello all, On my first post on this blog I posted a small snippet to use a small regex pattern in jQuery selectors. You can find the post here:
jQuery: applying selector within 'this' 12 Jul 2011 | 05:34 pm
When you handle events for a particular element, it is often required to make a change only within children of the element. Here is how to do it. Suppose this is the HTML code When someone clicks on e...
Tracker Field Types 14 Aug 2012 | 04:51 am
- 2 "> Action n Attachment n Auto-Increment n Category y Checkbox y Computed Field n Country Selector y Currency Field n Date and Time y Date and Time (Date Picker) y Drop Down y...
Selectores en jquery 9 Nov 2012 | 06:24 pm
Seleccionar todos los tags/elementos: Todos los elementos ("*") Seleccionar todos los elementos que estan en proceso de animación: Extensiones jQuery :animated Selector Selecciona los elementos qu...
jQuery 1.3 improved and faster 17 Jan 2009 | 01:12 pm
We waiting a long time to see jQuery 1.3 version, and finally it is here. Now jQuery using new selector engine called Sizzle, which is 4% faster then previous engine. What is new ? jQuery 1.3 suppor...
Jquery Learn In a Minute Series Part-2 (Selectors and Filters) 29 May 2012 | 12:52 am
Continuing our Jquery series this is part 2 of the 5 part Jquery learn in a minute series continuation of part1.In this brief tutorial we will see how to retrieve content from our web page...
jqcached makes DOM selectors caching extremely sexy 24 Feb 2012 | 11:04 pm
Welcome fellow Javascript code monkeys, For a while now, I keep on wondering why Javascript frameworks don’t provide an unified way of DOM selectors caching. I’ve been using this homemade jQuery plug...