Most jquery doble selector related news are at:

Por que usar un framework para frontend web como bootstrap 9 Aug 2013 | 04:35 am
Desde hace unos años han ido apareciendo de forma generalizada y bien desarrollada lo que todo el mundo solía hacer en sus desarrollos web y son pequeños frameworks para el frontend. Quien haya maquet...
Animaciones en CSS3: transiciones en CSS3 3 Jul 2013 | 05:14 am
Hace ya tiempo que no escribo y eso no puede ser. Así que hoy os quiero hablar de animaciones, en concreto me voy a centrar en transiciones con CSS3 o como se diría en ingles CSS3 transitions. Lo pri...
More jquery doble selector related news:
[JQuery] 選擇器 Selectors 8 May 2012 | 03:04 pm
jQuery 的 selector 主要有三種, 其目的在於選擇 HTML 中的元素: 1. HTML Tag - 例如 $('p') 可以選取所有 元素 2. 元素 ID - 例如 $('#myId') 選取 ID 為 myId 的特定元素 3. CSS 類別 - 例如 $('.myClass') 選取所有套用 myClass 類別的元素 在 jQuery 中就只有這三種標示法。不過如果...
jQuery - contains selector 22 Sep 2010 | 01:19 pm
contains selector thường được dùng để tìm kiếm những HTML DOM có chứa chuỗi cần tìm(có phân biệt chữ hoa, chữ thường). Cách thức sử dụng như sau: jQuery(":contains('text')"): trả ra danh sách tất cả...
jQuery wildcard selectors – update 24 Apr 2009 | 09:16 pm
Hello all, On my first post on this blog I posted a small snippet to use a small regex pattern in jQuery selectors. You can find the post here:
jQuery: applying selector within 'this' 12 Jul 2011 | 05:34 pm
When you handle events for a particular element, it is often required to make a change only within children of the element. Here is how to do it. Suppose this is the HTML code When someone clicks on e...
Selectores en jquery 9 Nov 2012 | 06:24 pm
Seleccionar todos los tags/elementos: Todos los elementos ("*") Seleccionar todos los elementos que estan en proceso de animación: Extensiones jQuery :animated Selector Selecciona los elementos qu...
jQuery 1.3 improved and faster 17 Jan 2009 | 01:12 pm
We waiting a long time to see jQuery 1.3 version, and finally it is here. Now jQuery using new selector engine called Sizzle, which is 4% faster then previous engine. What is new ? jQuery 1.3 suppor...
Jquery Learn In a Minute Series Part-2 (Selectors and Filters) 29 May 2012 | 12:52 am
Continuing our Jquery series this is part 2 of the 5 part Jquery learn in a minute series continuation of part1.In this brief tutorial we will see how to retrieve content from our web page...
jqcached makes DOM selectors caching extremely sexy 24 Feb 2012 | 11:04 pm
Welcome fellow Javascript code monkeys, For a while now, I keep on wondering why Javascript frameworks don’t provide an unified way of DOM selectors caching. I’ve been using this homemade jQuery plug...
Sintaxis, selectores y eventos en jQuery 19 Apr 2012 | 01:46 am
Si eres programador web y estas en proceso de aprendizaje, seguro te has topado con otros desarrolladores web que hablan sobre jQuery. En un post pasado ya hemos hecho un introducción sobre que es jQu...
JQuery Selectors and CSS Slectors in JQuery || Selecting Elements in JQuery 7 May 2012 | 05:05 pm
Jquery supports many different ways to select an element or elements that should meet all but the most awkward requirements. The following table shows the lists example of other selection methods yo...