Most jquery fade update message related news are at:
– Geek Sucks - Design Inspiration Blog
15 Awesome Mobile Website Designs 8 Sep 2012 | 03:43 pm
Mobile design industry is floating with opportunities due to emerging trends in smart phones and drop on its prices making it available for most people across the world. We have seen enormous changes ...
20 Unique Credit Card Designs Ever 29 Jul 2012 | 06:07 pm
Credit card is not just a piece of plastic, it’s a status symbol. The credit card has come a long way since the Diners club of 1950. Some cards go beyond the mundane and feature cool art work which sp...
More jquery fade update message related news:
Small update (visual improvement) for my tabbed gadgets 6 May 2013 | 05:25 pm
I made my gadget tabifying widget back in 2011. Today I saw another implementation, and it had nice fade in effect. I remembered that I had used also jQuery in the tabifying widget, and that jQuery ha...