Most jquery parent to child legend related news are at:

Using SocialCam without all the Facebook Mess 9 May 2012 | 03:30 am
Synopsis: I'd like to view some of the movies on SocialCam without having to log in with Facebook. Now, you can! Don't you hate it when a website forces you to use Facebook for everything? SocialCa....
Yes Pandora, I'm still Listening 29 Feb 2012 | 04:16 am
Synopsis: Short little Javascript bookmarklet to always have Pandora running! Are you tired of having Pandora stop and wait for you to click "I'm still Listening" button? Well, drag the button belo....
More jquery parent to child legend related news:
Stem Cell Therapy Cream Reviews – Beauty Legends That Belong In Fairy Tales 20 May 2012 | 11:11 pm
As a child grows they’re given beauty info from their parents, some of which has been handed down via the generations. If you are a female, then your mother probably passed on a couple of interesting ...
Making parents and children talk to each other (in SharePoint) 22 Oct 2012 | 12:58 pm
Subtitle: “Managing child list items from within a parent list item” Subtitle 2: Fixing the “Related Item View” Web Part using jQuery (This article applies to Microsoft SharePoint 2010.) A dream withi...