Most jquery sharethis plugin related news are at:

Wrangling with Deflate, Base64 and GZip 20 Jan 2012 | 01:35 am
最近不小心被一些编码相关的东西困扰了。这些从Web诞生便产生的一些编码问题,在2012年的今天仍然可以让一个程序员抓狂。项目的大致需求是这样的,客户端需要将一个字符串进行如下处理: 将字符串进行Deflate压缩 将压缩后的结果再进行Base64编码 那么服务器端,需要进行上述流程的反过程。问题是,由于这是个开放接口,客户端可以使用各种不同的平台进行开发,如JS、Java、Ruby、PHP等...
More About Crypto Module In NodeJS 18 Jan 2012 | 07:31 pm
在上一篇文章里讨论了crypto模块里的一些常用方法。在0.6系列以后,crypto模块的改动非常大,增添了DiffieHellman、pbkdf2、randomByes三大块。这三个也是非常有趣的东西,在这里和大家分享一下。 DiffieHellman 看着名字很恐怖,不过却是很有趣的东西。有没有想过,大家彼此不告诉对方敏感信息,确能够共同知道一个密钥?DiffieHellman算法就可以实...
More jquery sharethis plugin related news:
Pines Notify jQuery Plugin 23 Jul 2010 | 10:45 am
Pines Notify is jQuery notification plugin. It is very easy to implement, flexible, and provides numerous options for all kinds of notifications. It uses the jQuery UI CSS library for styling, which m...
riverside: jQuery Slider plugin with full featured API 10 Jan 2012 | 10:37 am
riverside: jQuery Slider plugin with full featured API
riverside: jQuery Selectbox plugin with full API 26 Feb 2011 | 10:14 pm
riverside: jQuery Selectbox plugin with full API
How to randomize initial image with jquery-cycle plugin 22 Mar 2012 | 04:04 am
After searching for a solution to show a random image from the sequence using jquery-cycle, I found this post with a simple (undocumented) solution. Just add the following line to your cycle function...
Подборка новых js-библиотек и решений за последнюю неделю №1 14 May 2012 | 02:28 am
В этой подборке: jQuery NailThumb jQuery Vector Maps Presenteer.js jQuery Canimate Plugin Physijs zipfilecompressor-plugins Ascenso Fixie.js jQuery Countdown Как написать jQuery-плагин правильно Прото...
jQuery Easing动画效果扩展插件 2 Dec 2011 | 05:22 pm
jQuery Easing动画效果扩展插件:jQuery Easing Plugin。在jQuery文档中我们可以看到,自定义动画函数.animate()有四个参数: params (Options) : 一组包含作为动画属性和终值的样式属性和及其值的集合 duration (String,Number) : (可选) 三种预定速度之一的字符串(”slow”, “normal”, or “fast...
jQuery lightbox with prettyPhoto 6 May 2012 | 04:44 am
prettyPhoto is a famous jQuery lightbox plugin. Apart from showing images, it also supports flash, YouTube, Vimeo, Quicktime, etc.. The installation is very simple and you can control the settings o...
Fun With JQuery Tubular 4 Mar 2012 | 10:39 am
I came across Sean McCambridge’s JQuery Tubular plugin a while back and I thought it would be fun to experiment with it. So I set up a little demo and I thought I’d walk through it here. I should say...
Autocomplete TextBox from database using jQuery UI in ASP.NET 27 Oct 2011 | 03:07 am
In previous tutorial which explain how to create autocopmplete search with custom results (images, descriptions and links) and without using jQuery UI plugin, and it use for a search. This tutorial e...
10 Best jQuery Lightbox Plugins for WordPress 10 May 2012 | 02:22 pm
If you are still using the old direct image links in your blog, it’s time to change. What about adding some magnificent effect for your blog’s image. It’s easy to implement using jQuery. And with the...