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More jquery tabs ui related news:
jQuery ‘Tab Slide Out’ Plugin 2 Sep 2009 | 07:07 pm
A couple weeks ago, I made this pull out slider thing using jQuery. (people use them as ‘feedback’ tabs) I decided to try making it into a plugin for jQuery and here it is. Use it for creating a feedb...
jquery UI tab – ajax loading CKEDITOR in a tab and some issues 28 Jul 2011 | 07:36 pm
I tried to load CKEDITOR in a jquery tab via ajax. I got problem that only first time the ckeditor is working but when I click on other tab and again got o ckeditor tab its not working. in Load sectio...
jQuery Tab by example 12 Sep 2011 | 06:58 pm
jQuery is nice javascript library. I’m posting here how to create tab elements easily via jQuery. Download original file with example – myTab.js First of all we need some javascript functions. functio...
commerce:SEO v2.1.2 Plus Demo 30 May 2012 | 08:03 pm
commerce:SEO v2.1.2 Plus Demo, mit Produkt-Filter, jQuery-Tabs, Mobile-Phone Unterstützung, Cross-Selling im Warenkorb, Blog Modul, URL-Alias, PDF-WAWI und vielen Neuerungen wie, HTML5, CSS3 und PHP5....
Simple jQuery Tabs 16 May 2012 | 08:07 pm
The tabbed content is a great way to to place a lot of content in a limited space on a page without losing usability. In this tutorial we will build a simple tabbed content and make it function using ...
jQuery UI Tab scroller plugin V 1.0 1 Sep 2011 | 09:16 pm
I have just create my first jQuery plugin for scrolling UI tabs. The plugin basically add next and previous link in jQuery tab when the number of tab exceeds the width of tab panel. When you add/delet...
ChocolateChip-UI for jQuery 12 Nov 2011 | 05:24 am
ChocolateChip-UI has been ported to jQuery. This means if your preferred JavaScript library is jQuery, you can now use this version of ChocolateChip-UI for creating mobile apps. It uses the latest ver...
Smart Tab, Wizard, Cart 23 Aug 2011 | 06:14 pm
3 érdekes jQuery alapú bővítményre bukkantam a napokban. Az érdekességük az, hogy mind a 3 érdekes felhasználói élményt nyújthat. Smart Cart jQuery alapú kosár megvalósítás. Smart Tab jQuery tab megva...
jQuery alapú felhasználói interfész 20 Jul 2011 | 04:17 am
Az RSS hírek böngészése közben akadtam rá, erre a fantasztikus jQuery alapú UI eszközre. Nem mintha a jQueryUI-hoz nem lenne egy vagon kütyü, de egy fejlesztőnek fontos, hogy képben legyen. Itt arra g...
Zenics Premium PhpMelody Template 28 Oct 2011 | 02:54 pm
Here is the brand new template called Zenics, a fully stylish PHPMelody template. We have included Footer Member Bar at the bottom, Facebook Fun Box, comment on footbar, Adsense fix sizing, jquery tab...