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mysql-Datenbank Backup 28 May 2012 | 07:12 pm
Es ist immer wieder erschreckend, wie manche Leute mit Datenbank-Backups umgehen. Deshalb mal kurz ein paar Infos, damit die Leser es besser machen als manch “professioneller” Hoster: Cold Backups V...
Neue Abstracts unter Veröffentlichungen 29 Feb 2012 | 11:26 pm
Im Bereich Veröffentlichungen habe ich zwei neue Abstracts eingestellt, die auf der LREC 2012 vorgestellt werden. Beide beschäftigen sich mit Language Engineering, das erste Paper aus Architektur-Sich...
More jquery url parameters related news:
Serializing Application State into URL Parameters 3 Aug 2011 | 10:05 am
let's say you've got a web application, and you want to add a feature in which your users can share their application state with one another with web links. for example, say you have a tic tac toe app...
Google Analytics Kampagnen SEO-freundlich einsetzen 20 Apr 2012 | 06:42 am
URL-Parameter stellen in der Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) immer eine Gefahr der Erzeugung von Duplicated Content und der unvorteilhaften Verteilung des Link Juice dar. Setzt man das Kampagnentrackin...
Dynamic URL Parameters Builder - Google AdWords 31 Oct 2011 | 10:14 pm
URL Parameters is dynamic URL technique that pass all information about the particular click. URL parameters are used on the place of your actual site URL For exp. replace with ...
Google Search Localization URL Parameters Explained 31 Oct 2010 | 08:50 am
Google search has useful URL parameters to find/restrict results based on location. Adding the parameters to end of the URL string might help you get more specific search results. Ann Smarty posted Go...
Help Google Crawl Your Site More Effectively 26 Jul 2011 | 12:09 pm
Google has introduced some changes to Webmaster Tools – in particular, handling of URLs with parameters. “URL Parameters helps you control which URLs on your site should be crawled by Googlebot, depe...
Get URL Parameters Using Javascript 3 Oct 2008 | 05:46 pm
An easy way to parse the query string in your URL to grab certain values. Get URL Parameters Using Javascript Most of the server-side programming languages that I know of like PHP, ASP, or JSP give ...
Erick Morillo – News 12 Aug 2010 | 08:14 pm
Erick Morillo - News Tabs for news + different posts categories for each tab. News section is based on CMS Wordpress. Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Wordpress, CSS, xHTML, jQuery URL:
Allowing special characters (forward slash, hash, asterisk etc) in ASP.Net MVC URL parameters 7 Jan 2009 | 09:00 pm
I’ve been getting into ASP.Net MVC a lot lately and there is plenty that is good about it. One thing that is not good is the problems that MVC has when you have a special character (*,/,& etc) in y...
New Feature - URL Parameter Pass Through 12 Jul 2012 | 10:29 am
We’ve received a request for this feature from a couple of our customers so we’ve added the ability to pass URL parameters from your shortened URL to the long URL. What does this mean exactly? If you...
New Feature - URL Parameter Pass Through 12 Jul 2012 | 10:29 am
We’ve received a request for this feature from a couple of our customers so we’ve added the ability to pass URL parameters from your shortened URL to the long URL. What does this mean exactly? If you...