Most js window close related news are at:

常見銀行整帳戶 14 Feb 2011 | 05:10 pm
前幾天朋友問我說要該哪個銀行帳戶可以定期不定額的存錢,那時給他報了台北富邦銀行,因為富邦銀行有「如意綜合存款」 可以定期不定額存款,只是第一次開戶需要 新台幣5000元整,那時也給他建議開一本萬利的帳戶 優惠比較多,詳細的優惠可以參考台北富邦的網站
常見銀行整帳戶 14 Feb 2011 | 12:10 pm
前幾天朋友問我說要該哪個銀行帳戶可以定期不定額的存錢,那時給他報了台北富邦銀行,因為富邦銀行有「如意綜合存款」 可以定期不定額存款,只是第一次開戶需要 新台幣5000元整,那時也給他建議開一本萬利的帳戶 優惠比較多,詳細的優惠可以參考台北富邦的網站
More js window close related news:
JS Window.Close();Window.Open(); 26 Apr 2013 | 06:23 am
1、Javascript关闭当前窗口 window.close()就可以,不过它会出个提示“您查看的网页正在试图关闭窗口。是否关闭窗口?”,如何才能不弹出这个提示? “如果你第一次打开这个网页,window.close()就会弹出提示,如果这个网页是由其它的网页出来的页面,window.close()时,就不会出现提示; 上面的方法是当前页面的opener赋为空字符串(...
Transfers completed for the winter window FA Cup pics. #mufc 4 Feb 2012 | 01:52 am
The window closes and United have signed just a couple of players having allowed a few to leave at the same time. Ravel Morrison is the most surprising and has caught the headlines all week. It seem...
Created Issue: Compliment sandwich [10268] 31 Jan 2012 | 09:21 pm
Run fine, but when I play with the map for a while (say click on pin in WPFVEMapSample.VS2010, then zoom in/out with mouse, then click close (using standard windows close icon (top right)), I get cros...
Premiership Predictions 5 Feb 2011 | 09:19 pm
So, the first weekend of fixtures since the transfer window closed and fans across the country get a chance to see what their managers have splashed out on – or not, as the case may be – in January. A...
Green Dwelling in the Tropics (Apr 2009) 20 May 2009 | 03:31 am
Blinds shut, windows closed, the AC system blasting a steady stream of simulated freshness – you have finally sealed off your fortress from the dirty outdoors. Under siege indeed – the analogy is temp...
Transer Windows Closed... 4 Sep 2009 | 11:46 am
This Season, Manchester City is the big spending in the EPL.....but other Top Four Club which spend less than 50 million to buy the player from the club.Manchester City Manager Mark Hughes ...which fi...
What Bates Said ... March 30th 2011 1 Apr 2011 | 06:08 am
Ben Fry: First let’s start with loan signings. Before the window closed last Thursday, Jake Livermore joined from Tottenham. Were you pleased to make the capture from another Premier League club? Ke....
jQZoom 12 Sep 2008 | 06:22 pm
jQZoom allows you to realize a small magnifier window close to the image or images on your web page easily. I decided to build this jQuery plugin to embed detailed big images in my B2B.So now in few...
Manchester United coach hints at Sneijder deal 31 Aug 2011 | 12:14 am
Manchester United coach Rene Meulensteen has hinted that Wesley Sneijder could sign for Red Devils before the transfer window closes. Sir Alex Ferguson is reportedly very keen on the Inter midfielder...