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To (καυλα) VIDEO της ημερας!! 2 Apr 2013 | 09:49 pm
Δευτερη μερα για τους WARLORD στην Αθηνα!!! 2 Apr 2013 | 08:49 pm
Το σημαντικότερο γεγονός της χρονιάς δεν ειναι αλλο απο τις συναυλίες των ΘΕΩΝ Warlord στην Ελλαδα σε λίγες εβδομάδες. Οπως αναμενόταν, το show ειναι ήδη sold out και προς μεγάλη μας χαρά μόλις μάθα...
More judas priest related news:
Top 10 Judas Priest Songs of All Time 22 Oct 2011 | 12:08 pm
Judas Priest is a pioneering heavy metal band from England that formed in the early 70s. The heavy metal look originated with Priest and to this day, there is no band that is more metal. The group r...
SATURDAY's COVER(ed) # 34 8 Jan 2012 | 02:43 pm
I'm a big JUDAS PRIEST fan. Although to be honest, I don't like them quite as much as I do IRON MAIDEN. I also think MAIDEN is just a better band, on all accounts (kinda like saying KANSAS is Better t...
Sepu On Tour 2012 19 Jan 2012 | 10:45 pm
Hello people! It was time to book some shows for 2012 too. So far Paris and Lisbon are booked. I planned to go to see Megadeth and Judas Priest too in Italy Talk soon for new dates! Chris
Новый альбом группы Motorhead "We Are Motorhead" 2010 31 May 2011 | 12:37 am
"Рок'н'ролл делает тебя бессмертным - до того момента, когда ты умрёшь" Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead) Хэви метал как и весь мир держится на трёх китах: Black Sabbath, Judas Priest и Motorhead. Это утве...
Into The Pit - Philly Metal. Thrash is Back! 22 Feb 2012 | 05:57 pm
I didn't get into heavy metal until my twenties. I did listen to bands like Motley Crue, Judas Priest and Triumph when I was a teenager. Yeah some of them are considered heavy metal - but not all of t...
Judas Priest en México 8 Apr 2011 | 05:57 pm
Judas Priest + Whitesnake en México Fecha: 30 de Septiembre de 2011 Lugar: Palacio de los Deportes Boletos: La preventa comienza el 13 de abril. Venta general el 15 de abril. Precios: Nivel A $1,...
Rock Song In Grammy 2009 (02) 27 Aug 2010 | 09:12 pm
Best Metal Performance 01. Dissident Aggressor - Judas Priest 02. Set To Fail - Lamb Of God 03. Head Crusher - Megadeth 04. Señor Peligro - Ministry 05. Hate Worldwide - Slayer Best Hard Rock Pe...
Judas Priest/Whitesnake gig 7-1-09 3 Jul 2009 | 04:26 pm
I went to this gig and I arrived at the venue around 3 p.m. with the hopes of meeting some band members before the gig with no luck. During this time, a lady who had baked cookies for Priest tried to ...
música do dia 8 Apr 2009 | 09:12 am
hoje passei o dia a ouvir a tout le monde dos Megadeth. é uma banda que gosto muito e esta é a minha música favorita deles. tiveram cá dia 17 do mês passado juntamente com Judas Priest e Testament. aq...
B'estfest aftershock: Expozitie Judas Priest la Antipa 16 Jul 2008 | 09:54 pm
. Sa-mi bag picioarele daca dinozaurii astia merita un titlu mai original, dupa oboseala de concert de vineri. Urat au mai imbatranit. Bine, asta tine de fiziologie, dar sa iesi din boxa cu liftul, im...