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Follow Up Q&A From Senate EPW 21 Aug 2013 | 10:38 pm
Today I submitted responses to the questions posed by two Senators on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, following up on my testimony last month. Such questions for the record are a st...
Some Advice on Advice 14 Aug 2013 | 10:08 pm
My latest Bridges column is just out, and in it I provide some advice on giving evidence to policy makers, fresh off my Senate testimony last month. Here is how it begins: Last month I was invited to...
More judith curry blog related news:
Weather amnesia 4 Sep 2011 | 03:42 pm
Post by Dr. Ryan N. Maue Dr. Judith Curry is quoted in a classic Seth Borenstein AP screed connecting disparate extreme weather events into a tidy AGW-narrative: “Sometimes it seems as if we have wea...
Curry: The torque hypothesis 21 Aug 2013 | 07:29 am
Judith Curry has an interesting post. One of Curry important contributions has been her recognition and articulation that the IPCC ‘torques’ the playing field for science. Those new almost never manag...
I know I’m right (?) 27 Aug 2013 | 04:47 am
by Judith Curry A behavioral view of overconfidence. A very interesting paper was just published in a journal of the American Statistical Society called Significance [link to abstract]: I know I’m rig...
Who is on which ‘side’ in the climate debate, anyways? 24 Aug 2013 | 10:52 pm
by Judith Curry Well, if you judge ‘sides’ by what climate scientists have to say about the science, it is getting difficult to tell. Kevin Trenberth was interviewed on NPR last nite, the ‘balance’ fo...
Open thread weekend 24 Aug 2013 | 05:59 am
by Judith Curry It’s your turn to introduce topics for discussion. Filed under: Uncategorized
Arctic sea ice and extreme weather 22 Aug 2013 | 06:38 am
by Judith Curry Is the dramatic decline of Arctic sea ice, spurred by manmade global warming, making the weather where we live more extreme? Several recent studies have made this claim. But a new s...
Scientists and motivated reasoning 20 Aug 2013 | 11:36 pm
by Judith Curry Motivated reasoning affects scientists as it does other groups in society, although it is often pretended that scientists somehow escape this predicament. Motivated reasoning has been ...
Proactionary principle 19 Aug 2013 | 03:13 pm
by Judith Curry Between no action and precaution. The Proactionary Principle was conceptualized by Max More, and is outlined in this document. The proactionary principle is presented as an alternati...
Climate model simulations of the AMO 16 Aug 2013 | 07:33 pm
by Judith Curry What are the implications of climate model deficiencies in simulating multi-decadal natural internal variability for IPCC’s climate change detection and attribution arguments? Two rec...
All types of food recipes,...,., 28 Apr 2011 | 10:44 pm
Blog Tutorial BEEF TERIYAKI Skillet Macaroni and Beef Braised Short Ribs Sesame Fried Chicken Roast loin of pork Curried Corn Soup Fish A La King Pork Chop Broiled Scampi Curried Scallo...