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More juicing for health studies related news:
The Health Benefits Of Juicing 13 Feb 2010 | 08:49 am
The health benefits of juicing is not something we have learned recently. Through the ages, civilisation have been making their own fruit juices and have realized their health benefits. With increasin...
How Clean Is Your Home? Really. 1 May 2012 | 04:09 am
Did you know that the quality of the air inside your home can be vital to your family’s health? Studies have shown that polluted air inside the home can cause asthma, allergies, respiratory problems, ...
Shocking Foods That Burn Belly Fat And The Truth Behind A Trim Waist 10 May 2011 | 02:00 am
Shocking Foods That Burn Belly Fat And The Truth Behind A Trim Waist Article by Jeff Scott Health study research has connected increased waistline measurements to severe health ...
E-Health Study Tour to Georgia 15 May 2012 | 06:48 pm
On April 4-5, 2012 EKENG participated in a study tour to Tbilisi, Georgia on e-health experience sharing. The visit was organized by the USAID-funded Healthcare System Strengthening in Armenia (HS-STA...
Bitter Gourd/ Korela/ Korolla 14 Apr 2011 | 03:56 am
Karela is a vegetable that might not be the tastiest when eaten raw, but has many many health benefits. The following article is from and explains the benefits that...
Do I need Periodontal Disease Treatment? Tell-tale Signs that you have Periodontitis 22 Feb 2012 | 05:25 am
Periodontal diseases can have devastating effects not only on your dental health but also your overall health. Studies show that gum diseases make you more at risk of having coronary diseases as well...
Marriage is Good for Physical and Mental Health, Study Finds 24 Jul 2011 | 08:03 am
Marriage research out of Cardiff University is good news for companies wanting new strategies for sustaining productivity and engagement, and reducing absenteeism via a healthier workforce. The study,...
Advantages of Bioavailability 5 Apr 2012 | 12:59 pm
Advantages of Bioavailability This chart represents one of the more optimistic views of vitamin C bioavailability. A National Institutes of Health study suggests that only 200 mg of a single dose, reg...
Flawed Research Used to Discredit Vitamin Use 29 Feb 2012 | 11:19 am
San Rafael, Ca (PRWEB) February 23, 2012 Published in the October edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine, this research was called the Iowa Woman's Health Study consisting of a questionnaire...
Juicing For Health 3 Apr 2012 | 02:38 pm
TweetInteresting Ways To Consume Your Dietary Needs, An Explanation Of Juicing For health Congratulations! You have acquired a great body of information on the subject of juicing. Juicing is a nice wa...