Most julian bakery low carb bread related news are at:
– HoldTheToast! by Dana Carpender | Low Carbohydrate Blog and Books
Come To The Low Carb Meet & Greet! 8 Jun 2013 | 05:50 am
Hooray! It's time once again to announce the Low Carb Meet & Greet -- I believe this is the Fourth Annual Low Carb Meet & Greet. "What is the Low Carb Meet & Greet?," I hear you cry. It started when ...
The Coolest Book I've Read In a Long Time 17 May 2013 | 12:03 am
If you're like me, you read everything that comes along that offers to clarify the relationship between nutrition, and particularly carbohydrates, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. And frankly, a lot o...