Most junior pr award related news are at:

Te așteptăm la BUZZ!Camp! 11 Apr 2013 | 01:33 pm
BUZZ!Camp și-a desfășurat deja forțele în Timșoara, iar mâine ne întâlnim cu tinerii din Iași. Pentru București avem foarte multe surprize așa că înscrie-te și ai șansa să fii printre cei 300 de par...
Te invitam la cel mai mare targ de cariera la nivel national – Angajatori de TOP! 9 Apr 2013 | 01:56 am
Pe 12 si 13 aprilie 2013, te intalnesti la Sala Palatului din Bucuresti cu peste 90 de companii care ofera 3200 de joburi, programe de trainee si internship-uri in cele mai dinamice domenii ale mome...
More junior pr award related news:
aDA apA iNi? pR + awArd dr sAHabaT... 7 Nov 2008 | 04:51 pm
Postingan kali ini dengan berat hati dan capek mikir akhinya sudah saya putuskan untuk mengerjakan PR dari mbak Fatamorgana, setelah beberapa hari dikejar-kejar sama mbak cerpenist itu untuk mengerjak...
Odato Marketing Group Wins Highest Local PR Award 28 Apr 2011 | 02:36 am
Odato Marketing Group secured three prestigious public relations awards, including the highest award in the public relations program category, from(more...)
Haagse uitgeverij wint Britse award met kinder-app Tel de Dieren! 5 Jun 2012 | 10:42 pm
Kinder-appuitgeverij Appracadabra is onderscheiden met de Junior Design Award voor Beste Educatieve App van 2012 voor haar kinder-app Tel de Dieren! “It’s the playful illustrations and animation that ...
Studierenden-Team der Zeppelin Universität gewinnt „GWA Junior Agency Award“ 1 Mar 2013 | 11:09 pm
Der kleinste Gruppe unter den Berwerbern mit der wohl schwierigsten Aufgabe aller Teilnehmer / Studierende der Zeppelin Universität (ZU) sind bei Deutschlands an- spruchsvollstem ...
More award success for RMS 1 Mar 2013 | 05:26 pm
Last night team RMS fought off stiff competition at the Golden Hedgehog PR Awards to win Financial PR Campaign of the Year for our work with Equilibrium Asset Management.
The IAStival strkes gold at the Golden Hedgehog PR Awards 2013 4 Mar 2013 | 03:43 pm
Business to business communications specialist, IAS b2b Marketing, has come up trumps at yet another awards scheme after taking home the 'Best Event' award at the Golden Hedgehog PR Awards 2013 for 'T...
SWITCH presents Junior Web Award: Imaginative projects submitted by young talent 23 May 2013 | 04:15 pm
Today for the seventh time, SWITCH honoured the best websites designed by Swiss school classes. At the award ceremony for the SWITCH Junior Web Award held at Kongresshaus Zürich, the young talent rece...
Samantha Cox named PRSA Richmond Rising Star, CRT/tanaka Earns Seven Virginia PR Awards 3 Jun 2013 | 09:26 pm
Richmond, Va. (June 3, 2013) – Samantha Cox, an account executive in CRT/tanaka’s Corporate Practice, was recently selected by the Richmond Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) ...
Junior Design Awards 2013 oogaa® wins “Highly Commended”as best feeding product! 18 Jun 2013 | 11:03 pm
oogaa silicone mealtime set has won Highly Commended for the best feeding product 2013! We are so honored to have received this award! “Winning a Junior Design Award provides recognition that your pro...
3 the magic number 21 Apr 2013 | 04:28 pm
’3′ is the magic number. Fantastic News…. Once again Lilly + Sid have been shortlisted for the Junior Design awards for Baby Fashion. For the 3rd Season running Lilly + Sid have been cons...