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Quero fazer parte do clã Júpiter! 18 Jul 2011 | 04:49 pm

CLÃ JÚPITER Leia os 10 mandamentos Júpiter, para só então solicitar sua vaga! 1- Todos os membros devem estar ciente das regras que devem seguir no fórum do clã e no Game Gol. Para visualizar as reg...

MUDAMOS DE FORUM 18 Jul 2011 | 04:49 pm

Mudamos de forum, qualquer contato com o clã Júpiter deve ser feito nesse novo endereço: Clã Júpiter

Wizz RSS maxVersion bumped to 5.0.* 22 Jun 2011 | 06:36 am

If you are one of those who desperately wants (or needs) Wizz RSS to work on Firefox 5.0, please just reinstall, and it should work. WARNING: I have done very superficial testing of o...

Investigan académicos el uso de la luz ultravioleta para desinfección de agua potable 27 Jan 2012 | 07:00 am

La luz ultravioleta (UV) representa una alternativa cada vez más popular para sustituir los productos químicos para la desinfección de agua, tanto potable como residual, así como aire y superficies or...

Shanghai 2010 : Le pavillon du Vietnam 24 May 2010 | 04:48 pm

Le Pavillon du Vietnam lui-même peut être considéré comme une exposition parce qu’il forme un entrepôt et est entièrement fait de bambou. Le pavillon occupe une superficie de 1.000 mètres carrés et pl...

Beauty 29 May 2012 | 01:58 pm

Beauty fleeting, never lasting. Superficial needs, never satisfying. What good is external beauty with a rotten core? Darkness ensues, never-ending. Related Posts The Beauty Trap Seducing Customers...

Impact of Planetary turbulence on Human life on Earth 18 Jun 2010 | 06:53 am

Long term impact Jupiter the most important planet that favors traders, investors and all banking & finance related professionals will be extremely affected for a time to come as Jupiter had a massive...

Tarkovsky’s Cinema 3 Aug 2009 | 11:44 pm

I have low tolerance for self indulgent artsyness and Tarkovsky films look superficially like they might be in this category, which is a shame because, as Tony the Tiger might say, they’re great. Noth...

Cam ăsta e online-ul românesc 18 Nov 2011 | 10:31 pm

Superficial, grăbit, neglijent, gândit pe termen scurt, în goană după bani uşori, fără pasiune. Ăsta-i online-ul românesc. De asta nu iese nimic remarcabil din nişte oameni extrem de talentaţi dar făr...

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