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Reseña - "Justice League of America" #41 2 Feb 2010 | 07:48 am

Desde que se comenzó a anunciar a esta nueva JLA, mi ansiedad fue incrementando cada vez más y no podría esperar a que este nueva etapa en el grupo comenzara de una buena vez. Eventualmente, esto suce...

"Teen Titans" #79 ( Welcome Home Static ) 17 Mar 2010 | 11:24 am

Nueva serie directamente de la Familia Kent y un gran comienzo con los sucesos ocurridos en el crossover de "Justice League of America" ¡Cuando los mundos chocan! en el cual el mundo Milestone se inco...

Warner Bros fait des annonces 31 Mar 2011 | 03:29 am

La société de production a décidé récemment d’en dire plus à propos de nombreux projets comme le développement du film Justice League Of America, concurrent direct de The Avengers, mais aussi le fameu...

Must Wear? Justice League of America Superhero Super Powers Briefs 3 Jun 2011 | 01:42 pm

Well any JLA fan should be wearing these, right? These Justice League of America briefs are for comic book fans, geeks, nerds or maybe even super heroes. There are images of Superman, Aquaman, Flash,...

Il film sulla Justice League of America nel 2015? 11 Jul 2012 | 07:00 am

Secondo il LosAngelesTimes, le parole del presidente della Warner Bros film group Jeff Robinov, che prevede nel prossimo mese di mettere un pò di luce sui piani per i personaggi della DC da portare su...

Justice League Of America’s Vibe #4 Review 18 May 2013 | 02:37 am

Gypsy and Vibe finally meet. Vibe #4 Sterling Gates’ second issue on the title is a more accomplished work. However it is just a mildly entertaining read. The new art team of Manuel Garcia and Fabiano...

Gutters: Issue #426 - Guy Dorian 3 Jun 2013 | 09:00 am

So, here's the deal. I haven't been reading Justice League of America. I enjoy Justice League, but after the first issue, I just wasn't into following a second JLA book. But, when I heard what was go...

Man of Steel (Zack Snyder) (Film) 20 Jun 2013 | 01:09 am

War es reiner Zufall, dass Pro 7 am Montag jene Folge von The Big Bang Theory zeigte, in der man sich als Justice League of America verkleidete und Pennys geistig minderbemittelter Stecher Zack als Su...

Ride the Lightning: The Flash Returns to TV 3 Aug 2013 | 09:06 am

Ride the Lightning: The Flash Returns to TV by Jerry Whitworth Recently, it was announced the Justice League of America’s Scarlet Speedster will be adapted again for television. Being introduced i...

Jeff Lemire Takes the Justice League Up North with JUSTICE LEAGUE CANADA 23 Aug 2013 | 07:12 pm

“J.L., eh?”* If you were getting the sense that Justice League of America could be a bit more calm and cooperative, then grab your thermal underwear and head up towards the top of the map. All we kn...

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