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Kelas tart dan brownies kukus 1 Nov 2010 | 11:00 am
kelas ni diminta oleh Fatimah yang sebelum ni penah belajar kelas cmc rose ganache. Kelas tart Bluuberry dan Fruit tart , Marble cheese brownies dan juga Brownies Cheese Kukus..tqvm ya Fatimah..
Marble Cheese Cake 18 May 2012 | 12:24 am
Ingredients: . Cream Cheese- 200 Grams . Milk- 200 Grams . Whipped Cream- 1/2 Kg . Gelatin Dry- 2 Table Spoon . Lemon Juice- 1 Lemon . Chocolate Sauce- 2 Table Spoon . Sponge- 1 Layer If Do no...
Marble Cheese Brownies Utk Kak Nor 22 Oct 2010 | 03:55 pm
Kak Nor my neighbour ader buat makan2 sikit last wknd so bg brownies ni kat dia kebetulan ader org order so terus la baking 2 tray. Marble Double Blueberry Cheese Brownies Hot from oven ..yg ni bw ... 29 Nov 2011 | 04:37 pm
Kek Lapis Cheese Pesona Kek ini dibuat pada 22 November 2011 sempena menyambut besday anak lelaki sulung.....Hepi besday to my son, semoga di berkati dan dipermudahkan segala-galanyer...terutama seka...
Variety Types of Cakes 29 Jun 2010 | 03:31 pm
These are some variety of cakes that we made. We can customize your cake with your own design and style. # Royal Bar Carrot Cake # Marble Cheese Cake # Super Delicious Carrot Cake # Jigsaw Puzzle ...
Marble cheese cake 15 Aug 2011 | 02:52 am
Hi everybody!! i am back in Singapore! There is so much beauty in Singapore that i love :) The people, food, toilet, transport. I love Singapore <3 Anyway, back to the cake! I went to Fairprice and s...
Mentega Golden Churn 'Tidak Halal' 25 May 2011 | 09:21 pm
Mentega Golden Churn... baunya sangaaaatt haruummm... Setiap kek & biskut yg diadun menggunakan butter ni memang sedap... especially kek butter, kek marble, biskut makmur (feveret haku tuuu!) tapi ...
Kek Marble Putih Telur 25 Nov 2011 | 07:39 am
Salam Pagi Jumaat.., Selepas solat zohor semalam tetiba teringin nak membakar kek.. Kebetulan lebihan telur putih ada kat dlm peti ais...Biasalah kalau dah buat kek lapis, telur putih ada yg berbaki....
::RESEPI~~Marble cheese brownies:: 8 Dec 2011 | 02:13 am
MCB yg menjadi pojaan hatiku..... jom layanz resepi...=) SUMBER~~ RINNCHAN FOTOPAGES Bahan-bahan Brownies : 250g butter 1 cwn serbuk koko 3 biji telur gred B 1 1/2 cwn gula castor 1/2 cwn susu cair...
RESEPI~~Kek Marble Warna Warni Badam Ros Nostalgia 1 Dec 2011 | 02:00 am
kek marble yg sedappp!!!sgt2 moist n wangiiii....=) terfikir2 nk buat apa ngan stok serbuk almond belen wat sekut raya aritu.... so dgn lincah nya...ak pon dok google lahh resepi kek almond.... mmn...