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Jog Blog 1-3-2011 3 Jan 2011 | 11:18 pm
26th Dec 2011 : Jog tak seberapa 29 Dec 2011 | 05:39 am
Assalamualaikum readers. (ade ke yg baca blog ni?) Disebabkan lemak yg dah berleluasa, terpaksa la bakar cepat-cepat. So we decided to go jogging at night. Tempat biasa la, Kompleks Sukan Paroi tu. A...
See and Be Seen 10 Jul 2010 | 02:55 am
Here’s the list of everyone who signed in at Blog Out Loud on Wednesday evening – hopefully it’ll help jog your memories if you can’t quite remember who that cool blogger was who was sitting at the ne...
Happy Madaraka Day 2009! 2 Jun 2009 | 01:16 am
Today is the 46th Madaraka Day for Kenya, the anniversary of Kenya's independence from Kenya. One blog aptly put it: Today Kenyans celebrate the recovery or restoration of Kenya's independence (which...
kenapa aku tak suka bergambar? 27 Apr 2011 | 07:44 am
aku dah hapal ordinan kesihatan umum veterinar 1999 dan juga ordinan haiwan 1953. maka sekarang aku boleh update blog dengan tenang. pagi nanti aku nak jogging jam 6.30 pagi. pusing 1 campus then ter...
Új blog a láthatáron webáruház tulajdonosoknak 11 Aug 2011 | 10:45 pm
Új blogom a webshop tulajdonosok gyakorlati problémáiról szól. A webáruház üzemeltetés blogban az online kereskedelemmel kapcsolatos kérdéseket feszegetem gyakorlati megközelítésben. Szó lesz a jogs...
Stylish Blog Award 2012: Nr. 2 17 Apr 2012 | 10:38 am
Sakoma, jog karts nuo karto pašnekėti apie save - sveika, tad vienos nuostabios blogerės, draugės ir įkvėpėjos dėka (ją galite rasti čia - VALIKABU) atskleisiu Jums septynis faktus apie save. Tai...
A photo thief who made me laugh 21 Jan 2012 | 12:52 pm
A couple of days ago a Kenyan photographer contacted me about representation. He sent me a link to his blog which showed recent weddings and fashion shows he had covered. I thought the images were pre...
Dropped the kids off for their last day of school and jogging on the National Mall. Location: 22 Jun 2010 | 01:02 am
via twittelator Posted via web from johnfenzel's posterous Visit the offical blog and website of novelist, John Fenzel--author of the international suspense thriller, "The Lazarus Covenant."
The First Quarter Mile – It’s Always The Hardest, In Business and Running 28 Aug 2011 | 03:43 am
As I started my run this morning…this blog post sprouted into my head…then it started growing like a bad weed. At least for me, when I start my legs cranking on my jog, they are a little rickety, joi...