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Kisah Nyata: Bagaimana Saya "Meminta" Istri Saya Berhijab 25 Jul 2013 | 02:08 pm
Semua laki-laki yang mengaku Muslim, pasti mendambakan seorang pendamping hidup (baca= istri) yang solehah. Tidak terkecuali terutama saya. Dan salah satu ciri utama istri solehah tentu saja selalu be...
Kumpulan Twit 19 Juli 2013 19 Jul 2013 | 08:25 am
1) Setiap orang punya tantangannya masing2. Ada "challenge" yg berbeda2 yg diberikan Allah buat masing2 hamba-Nya. 2) Dgn challenge inilah manusia diuji. Bagaimana ia menyikapi challenge tersebut, ak...
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Top 20 Google Adsense High Paying Keywords 2012 14 Mar 2012 | 03:01 pm
Adsense is a Cost Per Click (CPC) or Pay Per Click program run by Google. Adsense has a unique algorithm to determine the cost/ the revenue you'll get for a particular click. Sometime the cost become ...
Pertimbangan Dalam Memilih Keyword Termahal Adsense 22 Mar 2011 | 06:46 pm
Pertimbangan Dalam Memilih Keyword Termahal Adsense. Ini merupakan lanjutan dari postingan sebelumnya mengenai mencari keyword termahal adsense. Setelah kita mengetahui sejumlah keyword dengan nilai f...
Kosher top paying keywords for AdSense 28 Feb 2011 | 03:51 am
kosher passover wine 9.07$ kosher for passover wine 9.07$ kosher diet delivery 9.09$ kosher wine reviews 9.99$ kosher wine 10.95$ kosher diet 11.77$ kosher champagne 13.71$ kosher wine t...
Medical Insurance top paying keywords for AdSense 31 Jan 2011 | 09:44 pm
life insurance quotes 34.59 $ online insurance quotes 33.27 $ e health insurance 28.37 $ corporate medical insurance 27.30 $ get insurance quotes 26.00 $ aetna health insurance 24.81 $ ins...
Mortgage Top paying keywords for AdSense 28 Jan 2011 | 11:06 pm
mortgage refinance no closing costs 93.51$ refinance mortgage with bad credit 51.90$ mortgages for people with bad credit 48.68$ getting a mortgage with bad credit 48.16$ get a mortgage with b...
Doctors Top paying keywords for AdSense 24 Jan 2011 | 02:22 am
doctors answering service 21.58 US$ mortgages for doctors 12.58 US$ doctor loans 12.20 US$ loans for doctors 10.90 US$ doctor office software 8.26 US$
SEO top paying keywords for AdSense 24 Jan 2011 | 01:55 am
best seo services 17.57 US$ google search optimization 16.53 US$ search optimization company 14.77 US$ search engine optimization companies 14.75 US$ las vegas search engine optimization 14.6...
Face lifting top paying keywords for AdSense 24 Jan 2011 | 01:23 am
facelift los angeles 24.98 US$ los angeles face lift 16.10 US$ face lift maryland 11.13 US$ san diego face lift 11.02 US$ face lift facial 10.97 US$ new york city face lift 10.73 US$ face ...
IRS Top paying keywords for AdSense 19 Jan 2011 | 07:52 pm
irs tax attorneys 60.71 US$ irs attorneys 49.99 US$ irs lawyers 47.54 US$ irs tax lawyers 46.72 US$ irs tax debt relief 39.03 US$ irs offer in compromise form 38.81 US$ irs tax attorney 3...
Eye Surgery Top paying keywords for AdSense 19 Jan 2011 | 07:45 pm
laser eye surgery in ireland 62.72 US$ laser eye surgery cardiff 62.51 US$ laser eye surgery in dublin 61.93 US$ laser eye surgery dublin 57.89 US$ laser eye treatment ireland 49.86 US$ lase...