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Meet the Kia Extra 30 Mar 2012 | 08:00 am
For the discerning small car buyer who wants that little extra bang for their buck, Kia has come to the party with the Limited Edition Cerato eXtra. Slipping in between the Si and SLi trims in both se...
2010 Kia Soul 3 Oct 2011 | 02:58 pm
Kia Soul Review The 2011 Kia Soul ranks 20 out of 33 Affordable Small Cars. This ranking is based on our analysis of 30 published reviews and test drives of the Kia Soul, and our analysis of reliabil...
Venezuela se viste de moda 25 Oct 2011 | 04:40 am
Un lleno total de sus espacios registró el CIEC de la Universidad Metropolitana durante el evento referencial por excelencia del fashion nacional. El público respondió al llamado de contribuir por la...
Transformers 3 se estrena en Venezuela el 14 de octubre 30 Sep 2011 | 09:15 am
La tercera entrega de Transformers: El Lado Oscuro de la Luna llegará a las pantallas venezolanas el 14 de octubre, tras una negociación satisfactoria con Paramount, la casa productora de dicho film, ...
Volando por las cataratas más altas del mundo, en 360º 19 Mar 2012 | 12:10 pm
El Salto del Angel, en Venezuela, son las cataratas más altas del mundo. Con una altura de 979 metrow es una visión inigualable. Si esa visión se hacde sobrevolando y en 360 grados, el panorama es mu...
Eva Luna | Finalizada y completa | [FSC] 11 Dec 2011 | 01:55 am
Venevision/Univision – Venezuela/USA – 2010 Eva González va a California, junto a su hermana y padre, cuando un conductor provoca un accidente en la carretera y mata a Ismael, padre delas chicas. La ...
Kia Motors Company Vector Logo Download 9 Dec 2011 | 08:57 am
Kia Motors is South Korea’s second-largest automobile manufacturer, following the Hyundai Motor Company, with sales of over 1.4 million vehicles in 2010. The company is partly owned by the Hyundai Mot...
Kia Optima Hybrid Slam Dunk 3 Nov 2011 | 04:38 am
Kia has really got carried away with its sport themed cars with this one. It is actually a basketball! Taking the Kia-Blake Griffin partnership – Blake Griffin is an official spokesperson for the Kia...
Kia Forte 5-Door Hat Trick 3 Nov 2011 | 04:30 am
This Forte Hatchback is possibly one of the ugliest car at the 2011 SEMA show! What with those blue wheels?! Antenna Hat Trick Forte 5-door is inspired by hockey, and has a custom hockey stick holder...
Kia Rio 5-Door Retro Surf 3 Nov 2011 | 04:25 am
Built in cooperation with Antenna Magazine, this Kia is outfitted with everything the modern-day surfer needs for a perfect day and night at the beach, including an authentic Grain wood surfboard moun...