Most kill website duplicate content related news are at:

The Importance Of Cheap SEO Packages To Business Marketing 27 Aug 2013 | 05:34 am
Generally, the expenses of a successful SEO Auckland campaign depend on several factors such as the kind of business, quality of content, loading time of web page, website functionality and more. A SE...
A Look At The Trends Of SEO In Online Marketing 27 Aug 2013 | 05:34 am
Speaking of SEO, it is a technique which help search engines find and rank the website higher. The SEO responsibility is to check and also help to get traffic from search engines. They covers all nece...
More kill website duplicate content related news:
How To Identify and Fix Duplicate Content Issues for Startup Websites 22 Oct 2012 | 11:37 pm
Duplicate content is what search engines impose when they find large amounts of text that have been copied from other sites Duplicate homepages can be credited as individual pages. The sites http://ww...
What’s counterproductive to your website? 19 Jun 2013 | 08:08 am
Duplicate Content You already know that you should never copy work from someone else, but did you also know that you should never copy work from yourself, either? Some people will post an article or ...
[webseovn]Cách tránh lỗi Duplicate Content 28 Nov 2012 | 02:15 pm
SEO Website - “Duplicate Content” là một trong những lỗi mà nhiều Webmaster mắc phải khi tiến hành SEO (Search Engine Optimize) cho website của mình. Trước hết, chúng ta tìm hiểu từ đâu có lỗi này. V...
5 SEO Nuggets for Tackling Google Panda 31 Aug 2011 | 07:44 am
Google Panda is Google’s newly launched feature aiming to get rid of low quality and duplicate content websites. This basically affects sites having irrelevant or duplicate content. So if you are runn...
Fight Google Panda and Maintain Panda Proof Websites with Duplicate Content Alerts 20 May 2011 | 07:25 am
If you are a blogger whose content gets scraped by multiple other websites, here is the quick solution which can help you. Get email alerts every time your content gets duplicated. Fight against plagi...
Handling legitimate cross-domain content duplication 25 Dec 2009 | 12:23 am
We’ve recently discussed several ways of handling duplicate content on a single website; today we’ll look at ways of handling similar duplication across different websites, across different domains. F...
How to avoid duplicate content issue caused by mobile website 28 Apr 2011 | 12:00 am
Is Google seeing your mobile website as duplicate content to your main website? Many of us believe that the future of the internet is in mobile devices, such as cell and smart phones, PDAs, and more....
Remove duplicate articles in Joomla 1.5 19 Oct 2010 | 08:23 pm
You got problems about duplicate content articles in your Joomla 1.5 website(s) which might be caused by some automatic importing from RSS or something similar. The same articles are sometimes importe...
What Is Google Panda Update 14 Jan 2012 | 01:04 am
Google Panda _ update of Google algorithm that emphasize on quality content. Google panda update say you not to have duplicate content on your website and don’t do spamming work. Even don’t allow you ...
Thuộc tính thẻ rel="canonical" 14 May 2012 | 03:09 am
Các website rất hay bị trùng lặp nội dung (Duplicate content) tức là có nhiều page có nội dung giống nhau, Google rất khó chịu về việc này vì cùng 1 nội dung nhưng có 2 đường dẫn khác nhau. vì vậy Goo...