Most kinect ir hacks related news are at:

Ouverture du forum 28 Feb 2011 | 08:48 am
Aujourd’hui, avec le retour du site, nous inaugurons aussi le forum, j’espère qu’il sera un lieu d’échanges cordial et courtois. Je supprimerai les spams et/ou insultes etc…. Si quelqu’un est motivé...
Le retour de Kinectitude !! 28 Feb 2011 | 07:54 am
Cela fait près de deux mois que je n’ai pas mis à jour ce blog, c’est dû en partie à mes études qui me prennent beaucoup de temps et un manque d’aide de mon ancien collaborateur. Mais maintenant c’es...
More kinect ir hacks related news:
Xbox One Controller Changes Explained in New Video 27 Aug 2013 | 01:30 am
Ergonomics, Kinect IR trackers, and wired functionality, among explained features. Microsoft has released a new video that delves into a few aspects of the new Xbox One controller. Probably the bigges...
x-Hack hack you 31 Jul 2011 | 07:35 am
Îáńňŕíîâęŕ äŕâŕňü äë˙ ňĺđđčňîđčţ íŕńňî˙ůčő őŕęĺđîâ - č ŕçáó÷íűé ëţáčňĺëĺé ńîôňŕ! Ňóňňî âŕě ďîíđŕâčňń˙, ěîćĺňĺ íĺ ńîěíĺâŕňüń˙, çŕőîäčňĺ íŕ Ńâĺćčĺ îáçîđű ńîôňŕ č îáńóćäĺíčĺ äë˙ îăđîěíîě ôîđóěĺ, ăäĺ âű ó...
Kinect hack - odměna 2000 dolarů 8 Nov 2010 | 01:56 am
Jste něco jako technický génius? Hackněte Kinect a vydělejte si slušné peníze.
Amulet Voice Kinect – Free Voice Controlled Media Player through Kinect 25 May 2012 | 04:14 am
We’ve seen a lot of hacks that take advantage of the Kinect’s motion sensing and depth camera...
Las nuevas tecnologías que revolucionarán el marketing 9 Jun 2011 | 03:20 am
Según comentan los especialistas, los campos de la realidad aumentada, la cartografía de la proyección y el Kinect Hacking, están ofreciendo interesantes cambios que se pueden observar en el mundo fís...
aquele sobre os diversos usos do puff roxo. 11 Nov 2008 | 01:03 am
eu não pude ir ao hack day, mas vejam o vídeo feito lá, sobre os diversos usos dos puffs roxos do lounge. Puff Hacking from fczuardi on Vimeo.
Hacking on the kinect 14 Nov 2010 | 04:00 pm
So cc spent a few hours hacking the kinect based on the work of the openKinect project. [waring the audio is a bit rough on this one]
Kinect Mod:畫出你的控制器 9 Feb 2011 | 03:30 am
Kinect 這個產品推出至今,最令我津津樂道的,不是Xbox360的對應遊戲,而是不同程式員推出的Kinect Hack 及Mod。這次介紹的突破,就是手繪控制器。如果不明白我說什麼的話 (我也很難用文字表達),快看下面片段: 這個Kinect Mod,是由Garratt Gallagher制作,他贏得Willow Garage’s recent open-source Robot Operat...
Music as body motion - Kinect Hack 22 Jul 2011 | 06:37 am
This project provides a place for users to interact with the music (in this case Minuet in G by JS Bach) by the interaction of the human body movements with the digital interface the user can define t...
Hacking Kinect: Setting sci-fi in motion 25 Jan 2011 | 12:22 pm
So far, hackers impact figured discover how to intend the Kinect to do every kinds of things Microsoft never imagined.