Most kit kat valentines related news are at:

A to Wa of Japan: Week 34 26 Aug 2013 | 12:12 am
It’s time for A to Wa of Japan again! Last week’s post was about things beginning with み (mi) and we looked at Miyajima (宮島).This week we are looking at things beginning with む (mu). A big thank you ...
HYPER JAPAN 2013 19 Aug 2013 | 03:14 am
Apologies for the time it’s taken me to publish this post! HYPER JAPAN seems like a long time ago now, but I still thought it was worth sharing my thoughts on the event. HYPER JAPAN took place in Lond...
More kit kat valentines related news:
Mother’s Day video: Give moms a KIT KAT break 11 May 2012 | 03:51 am
I love Kit Kat so I am sharing this video to moms out there who love Kit Kat too . To honor the greatness of all the moms in the world, KIT KAT launches the KIT KAT Mother’s Day video in time for Mot...
Have a break, have a jesus Kit Kat 24 May 2010 | 01:12 am
“Have a break, have a jesus Kit Kat”, sau cum sa iti faci super reclama fara nici un cost. De-a lungul timpului oamenilor li s-a parut ca l-au vazut pe Iisus, in cele mai ciudate locuri, pe o paine pr...
GELAGAT 'AYYASH 23 Jan 2010 | 04:07 pm
jom main badminton..gaya seorang cucu pensyarah pj hehe.. tiap ptg aki ajak joging n main badminton hehe berehat sebentar bersama kit kat...heheh paksu yg lebih pnt suka sgt dengan makhluk raksasa ...
De como factores externos puede afectarte. Momento Kit-Kat 9 Mar 2011 | 02:29 am
Stop... and smell the roses... 17 Feb 2011 | 11:17 pm
How was your week so far? Busy as ever? Can't wait for the weekend? Have a break, have a Kit Kat.. or just stop and smell the roses, why don't you? Check out the latest scarves: Desert Rose. Desert ....
Have a break. Have a kit kat. 27 May 2012 | 03:17 am
One of those days when things got off a bad start, and as frustration compounded over the day, it just didn’t feel safe and right. It was as if the tide has turned against you and you’re now being cau...
#365shots Day 21 - Kit Kat 21 Jan 2012 | 07:00 pm
#365shots Day 21 - Kit Kat
Bueno, lo he destrozado... 16 May 2011 | 11:55 pm
El aspecto del blog. Estaba dando error en la barra lateral, intenté hacer los cambios y un click mal dado en algún lado y absolutamente todo el diseño desapareció. Voy a tomarme un kit kat y ya regre...
Mellow yellow 26 Oct 2011 | 04:46 am
Does anyone get their five-a-day without a struggle? It sounds easy enough when the health Nazis are telling you just to swap a Kit-Kat for a banana and include three veggies with your tea but the rea...
Kit Kat: ‘Working Like a Machine’ campaign 21 Feb 2009 | 01:36 am
People need a break from the monotony of day to day life. And Kit Kat, UK’s number one biscuit brand, seems to have understood it…If you’re passing by London Victoria National Rail station, look out! ...