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GEMA: Gebühren auf USB-Sticks erhöht 13 Jul 2012 | 05:14 pm
GEMA-Gebühren auf USB-Sticks um vielfaches erhöht Die GEMA erhöht ab 01.07.2012 die Abgabegebühr auf USB-Sticks. Egal welche Form von Datenträger man kauft, die GEMA verdient mit. Begründet wird die...
Originelle und hochwertige Give-Aways 20 Mar 2012 | 10:57 pm
Originelle und hochwertige Give-Aways für Ihre Promotionaktionen. Gestalten Sie doch originelle Give-Aways ganz nach Ihren Wünschen. Bei KMS werden alle Werbemittel individuell nach Kundenwunsch gefer...
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25 octobre:Rallye vélo familial de 17 ou 27 kms / de 9h30 à 14h / Mons / Gratuit 9 Oct 2009 | 10:27 am
Pour sa deuxième édition, dans le cadre du salon Energy Mons, le Pro Velo Tour vous propose un nouveau circuit balisé libre dans et autour de Mons.Au départ et à l’arrivée, un Village Vélo regroupera ...
CAPOEIRA AU TELETHON 2007 10 Dec 2007 | 11:20 am
Coucou les ami(e)s Je vous ramène quelques photos de notre petite représentation de capoeira que nous avons fait à l'occasion du téléthon 2007. C'était sous les halles d'Arpajon à quelques kms de ch...
Shirdi Trip 18 May 2010 | 10:00 pm
Shirdi, which is located 280 KMs from Mumbai, is also called as the Land of Sai Baba. Every year millions of devotees of all religions, castes come to pay homage to Shri Sai Baba. This year even Road ...
Dia 37 .- Sant Carles de la Ràpita – Castellón 20 Aug 2010 | 05:21 am
109 kms. 4 horas JL: Con algún retraso escribo el post de la última etapa entre San Carlos de la Rápita y Castellón. La ruta no tiene nada especial dado que transcurrió por la carretera Nacional 340....
5 Days Touring Kerala HoneyMoon Special Offer Package(Free Return Train Ticket for couple) 18 Mar 2012 | 12:59 am
Honeymoon Day : 01 Cochin – Munnar Arrival at Kochi airport / Cochin Railway station, you will be greeted by our representative and we will transfer you to Munnar (140 Kms / 04 Hrs).Munnar is a pic...
SBTPL – Solapur-BijapurTollway Pvt Ltd 17 Apr 2012 | 12:51 am
Project Name: Solapur – BijapurTollway Private Limited (SBTPL) Revenue Genertaion Toll Distance: 110.542 KMS Value:99900 LAKHS Awarded by: National Highway Authority Of India (NHAI)
SUTPL – Shreenathji – Udaipur Tollway Pvt Ltd. 17 Apr 2012 | 12:49 am
Project Name: Shreenathji- Udaipur Tollway Private Limited (SUTPL) Revenue Genertaion Toll Distance: 79.30 KMS Value:128000 Lakhs Awarded by: National Highway Authority Of India (NHAI)
BHTPL – Bijapur- Hungund Tollway Pvt Ltd. 17 Apr 2012 | 12:44 am
Project Name: Bijapur-HungundTollway Private Limited (BHTPL) Revenue Genertaion Toll Cum Grant Distance: 97.25 KMS Value:102500 LAKHS Awarded by: National Highway Authority Of India (NHAI)
RPTPL – Rohtak – Panipat Tollway Pvt Ltd 17 Apr 2012 | 12:41 am
Project Name: Rohtak – Panipat Tollway Private Limited (RPTPL) Revenue Genertaion Toll Distance: 80.86 KMS Value:95000 LAKHS Awarded by: National Highway Authority Of India (NHAI)
HYTPL – Hyderabad Yadgiri Tollway Pvt Ltd. 17 Apr 2012 | 12:37 am
Project Name: Hyderabad Yadgiri Tollway Private Limited (HYTPL) Revenue Generation Toll Distance: 35.6 KMS Value:39880 Lakhs Awarded by: National Highway Authority Of India (NHAI)