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Jesus & and his disciples to knights templars the shroud of turin could it have also been used in the holy last supper? Leonardo Da Vinci painting in codes that there is actually a relation between th...
Who is Baphomet? 5 Jul 2011 | 03:21 am
Baphomet is an enigmatic, goat-headed figure found in several instance in the history of occultism. From the Knights Templar of the Middle-Ages and the Freemasons of the 19th century to modern current...
Arn: The Knight Templar (2007) 21 Feb 2011 | 08:50 am
O productie suedeza de exceptie, un film de capa si spada, saga unei familii de nobili din Suedia de pe vremea cruciadelor povesteste despre viata si faptele lui Arn, fiul lui Magnus. Mic fiind, Arn a...
The Night of the Seagulls 27 Nov 2010 | 08:25 pm
This is another installation in the infamous Blind Dead series. In case you have missed the other Blind Dead movies, these films chronicle the exploits of a group of Knights Templar who sacrificed bu...
Cressing Temple, Braintree 26 Oct 2011 | 04:34 am
Take a step back in time and discover this rural estate, founded by the medieval monks of the Knights Templar. Set in peaceful surroundings, you can come here to escape and just enjoy being surrounded...
Brethren Persecuted – Part 3 12 Aug 2010 | 02:11 am
Part Three: The Curse of Jacques de Molay By Stephen Dafoe The following article was originally written for Knight Templar Magazine, the official publication of the Grand Encampment of knights Templ...
Brethren Persecuted Part 2 10 Aug 2010 | 04:50 am
Part Two: Revenge Destroys Everything By Stephen Dafoe They spit on the Holy Cross, these Knights Templar. Not only do they deny the divinity of Christ during their reception, they do not even worsh...
Historical Fact of The Day – Friday The 13th Edition 13 Jul 2012 | 11:40 pm
Perhaps the most notorious Friday the 13th was October 13, 1307. According to legend, that was the day French King Philip IV had hundreds of Knights Templar—a wealthy and powerful group of religious w...
Brethren Persecuted – Part 3 11 Aug 2010 | 10:11 pm
Part Three: The Curse of Jacques de Molay By Stephen Dafoe The following article was originally written for Knight Templar Magazine, the official publication of the Grand Encampment of knights Templ...
Arn: The Knight Templar 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Arn Magnusson 1150 yılında, İsveç’in Batı yakasındaki Batı Gothia’da, Arnas ciftliğinde dünyaya gelir. Büyüdükçe daha eğitimli ve kılıç kullanma konusunda usta olur.Hayatının aşkı Cecila ile tanışın z...