Most kobo ereader on sale related news are at:

Moto X 32GB Developer Edition 26 Aug 2013 | 06:51 pm
Ever since Google took over Motorola’s smartphone division, it looks like the company has turned around for good, in which...
System Shield Antispyware 26 Aug 2013 | 06:50 pm
You should always place computer security as your utmost priority when operating a computer system, as clearly, maintaining a secure...
More kobo ereader on sale related news:
Kobo eReaders For Sale Now 7 Nov 2012 | 02:33 am
The demos are in, and we've got the devices for sale. If you're looking for a stylish, easy-to-use device (with full wifi capabilities!) this season, come check out the Kobo Glo and the Kobo Mini! The...
مقارنات (2): مقارنة سريعة بين SONY 350 وKindle 3 وKobo Touch وNOOK Touch 1 Jul 2011 | 06:56 pm
هذه مقارنة حديثة بعد صدور جهازي Kobo Touch و Nook Touch الجديدين، أصدرها موقع Kobo نفسه. المقارنة دارت حول الأجهزة التالية: SONY Reader PRS-350 Kindle 3 WiFi Kobo eReader Touch NOOK Touch عن موق...
iPad Vs Kobo Vs Kindle 3 (redux) 22 Aug 2011 | 03:07 pm
This is a heavily edited ebook comparison and review posted at around the same time last year. I love my Kobo eReader. It’s clunky but “honest.” My iPad is cool, too but my Kindle 3 hardly leaves its ...
Kyobo – first color eReader with mirasol and Android on market 23 Nov 2011 | 04:43 am
Kyobo Book Centre and Qualcomm have revealed the world’s first ereader to use a mirasol color e-paper display, the Android-based Kyobo eReader. On sale in South Korea today, priced at the equivalent o...
KOBO eReader 19 Jul 2010 | 04:34 pm
I just bought my first eReader, the KOBO. While I cannot imagine giving up real paper and ink books for settling in on the sofa, I really love this little device for reading on the go. It fits into m...
If I buy it, the price will go down—guaranteed! 1 Sep 2010 | 08:30 am
Yep, it happened again. Something I purchased was reduced in price shortly after I bought it. In the particular case it was a Kobo ereader, although it doesn’t matter what it is. I buy a stock, it imm...
Popular eReader ebooks for Weight Loss 25 May 2011 | 06:46 pm
My mom just got an expensive Kobo eReader for Christmas and wanted to know what kind of books she can download into the eReader. I did a lot of research to find the best diet and health downloadable b...
If I buy it, the price will go down—guaranteed! 1 Sep 2010 | 04:30 am
Yep, it happened again. Something I purchased was reduced in price shortly after I bought it. In the particular case it was a Kobo ereader, although it doesn’t matter what it is. I buy a stock, it imm...
Making a Deal with the Devil for Kobo eReader Puzzle Contest 5 May 2013 | 01:40 am
An author sells his soul to Asmodeus, King of the Nine Hells for a shot at fame and fortune. Rebels seek to topple a warlord who set himself up as the mythical Minotaur in the land of Dis, a power sta...
Extreme Health Library eReader Bundle Sale 26 Feb 2013 | 08:00 pm
Over 50 products ($800+ value) for just $39.97 Featuring my new book – The Savvy Shopper’s Guide to Sustainable Food. I am excited to be an affiliate partner for this great sales event, happenin...