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Tanaman Pencegah Polusi 21 Nov 2011 | 07:20 am
Ada beberapa tumbuhan atau tanaman yang dapat menyerap lebih polusi udara maupun polusi jiwa, diantaranya: Pohon Kelengkeng Siapapun tahu betapa enaknya rasa buah kelengkeng. Namun tahukah Anda... [...
Mencintai Satwa dan Bunga Identitas Bangsa 21 Nov 2011 | 06:12 am
Goggle Ketika mendengar kata ‘Kanguru’ orang langsung akan teringat Australia. Ketika mendengar kata ’Tulip’ orang langsung terbayang Belanda. Dalam kesempatan berbeda, kata ’Sakura’ ingatan orang... ...
More kontes save earth related news:
Save Earth-She’s Hurting…… 12 Oct 2011 | 08:30 am
Now we have GREEN SITE CERTIFICATION…:-) Green Friendly Site Share this Video and spread the message…
Tunguska Event: UFO Slamming Itself Into a Meteor to Save Earth? 20 Jul 2009 | 10:43 am
The Tunguska Event, a mysterious explosion over the Tunguska River in 1908, has sparked many speculations as to its cause (A meteor? A Tesla experiment gone wrong? A natural gas explosion?). But this ...
41 Environmental Friendly Tips-save money save earth 26 Mar 2008 | 01:58 pm
It is October 2008 and the race is on to save the very fast changing world we live in. We have been at war for over 6 years now and I don’t see a change coming any time soon. With war comes an unbalan...
download gratis free template joomla 2.5 theme hijau simple clean design untuk bisnis perusahaan agraria, pertanian save earth atau bisnis bidang agra... 28 Jan 2012 | 05:41 am
bagi yang membutuhkan theme atau template joomla 2.5 dengan tema hijau ( clean design) simple dan elegan untuk bisa digunakan untuk keperluan organisasi atau perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang penyelam...
How to save Earth’s most threatened tribe – The Awá 17 May 2012 | 07:51 pm
Amnesty International London notified Joost of a campaign, launched by Survival International and backed by Oscar winning actor Colin Firth, to save the most threatened tribe on Earth – the Awá – from...
Green Living Tips 25 May 2011 | 05:14 am
Do you want to do your part in saving Earth? If you think that you need to do grand things like save the whales or fight forest fires to make a difference, you should know that you can simply follow s...
Save Energy Save Earth 16 Mar 2009 | 11:23 pm
日に日にあたたかくなってきましたね。みなさまいかがおすごしでしょうか。わたくし、数日PCから離れてました。3/14のへそんぺんみ@台湾はどうやら無事おわったもよう、ほぼ満席だったとか。よかった。上記はLYNとのデュエット、エコソング。どうやらこのかたは、シナのメンバと居る時以外は、LYN嬢と歌を共にしている時がもっともリラックスしてるようにおみうけします。 あいかわらず3集SIDE ・・・
Save Trees and Save Earth !!! 8 Jun 2012 | 12:44 pm
Ten Ponds Are Equal To a Lake Ten Lakes Are Equal To a Son Ten Sons Are Equal To a Tree So please save the trees and spread a smile on earth.
Beluga Whales to be Served Up to U.S. Aquariums? 8 Oct 2012 | 03:56 am
Not on our Watch! Patricia Cori President and CEO of Save Earth’s Oceans, Inc.October 5, 2012 In the event you still have not heard of the latest atrocity being perpetrated against the Cetacean Natio...
Your Love for Mother Nature Must Start From Home 15 Aug 2013 | 12:43 pm
Since green is the colour which is making rounds from last decade or so, it is the Mother Nature that is calling us. Saving Earth is now the most important job a human being can do to protect the upco...