Most korg d8 related news are at:

Win a Fender Custom Shop Closet Classic Stratocaster Valued at $3,199 25 Aug 2013 | 03:25 am
Talk about the holy-grail of guitar giveaways, here is your opportunity to win a Fender Custom Shop Closet Classic Stratocaster. Wow! This giveaway ends on September 13, 2013. The winner will be annou...
History of the Electro-Harmonic Big Muff Guitar Pedal 24 Aug 2013 | 09:58 pm
A guitar sound coming from Jimi Hendrix was the ultimate inspiration in creating the Big Muff. Hendrix was not able to extensively use this pedal since there were no available models produced yet duri...
More korg d8 related news:
HPI Goes Apache On Us 9 Nov 2011 | 01:31 pm
HPI’s Apache C1 4WD Flux Brushless Buggy and Apache SC 4WD Flux Short Course Truck HPI Racing has a new pair of 1/8-scale RTR’s packing racing features from their World Championship Winning HB D8 bugg...
Korg Monotron Versus Sx-150 – Modern Versus Classic 27 Mar 2011 | 12:49 pm
Korg MONOTRON 16-Key Synthesizer Powered by two alkaline aaa batteries, the compact monotron can be held in one hand. although small enough to easily carry with you, the amazing Korg Kaossilator Dyn...
Tahniah kepada Mak Enon 22 Jul 2010 | 11:15 pm
salam uols... 2,3 hari ni aku busy ckt memandangkan anak saudara sepupu aku dpt tawaran masuk UPM, rayuan punyer lah.. eh eh, sblm tu.. korg percaya tak aku sebaya dgn anak saudara sepupu aku??? sila...
تمارين حول المحرك اللاتزامني ثلاثي الطور 19 Apr 2012 | 06:12 am
إليكم رابط التمارين
WE ARE SHIFTED!! 25 Feb 2009 | 01:00 pm
PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR STORY ARE SHIFTED AT [size=18] PLEASE DO VISIT US...THANK U.. [/size] saje tukar angin ke blog sudi sudikanla diri korg tgk kat sane plak erk...
Misteri Lelaki Dalam Tandas 2 22 Nov 2011 | 01:18 am
Salam semua.. sorry lah bz sesangat..baru dapat update.. nie..korg nak tau x sambungan citer hari tue... sabar sat noh,.... kiter nak gtau nie...kiter sgt2 berbengga dengan MALAYSIA sbb men...
Contest Azam SMART Maal Hijrah 19 Nov 2011 | 08:21 pm
Salam semua....korg ngah wat per yer... eh...dah start cuti sekolah kan... amacam sonok x??(yg bersekolah jer..ok) ok...lah ce tgk kat tajuk tue...mcm meriah jer...kan... ce tgk lak banner nie.. ....
Misteri Lelaki Dalam Tandas Perempuan 5 Nov 2011 | 06:41 pm
Salam.. Orite mungkin en3 nie sedikit membuatkan korg xsenang.. mungkin akan ade yang akan kata kiter tulis belog xsenonoh.. ok...nie mmg cerita benar lagi sahih sebab nya terjadi pada kita.. ...
Followers Meningkat Mendadak?? 5 Nov 2011 | 12:58 pm
Salam semua...camat pagi... dah sarap lom semua nie?? erm kalau lom...cepat meh nak belanja... belanja aper??? belanja air kosong satu gelas memasing... nak x?? korg mesti xnak punya... ...
Pehal lak Nie?? 3 Nov 2011 | 09:56 pm
Salam uolls... ce korg tgk... knpe linkwithin kiter duk kat atas nie... knper nie?? ce kabo...ce kabo... kiter dah try cr jln ner nie??? help me!help me! sede...