Most kraftwerk man machine related news are at:

Look: It was a book, now it’s a film! 14 Nov 2012 | 05:14 pm
Nowadays information doesn’t only travel by text, but also by video. Now we all know that there are thousands of ‘How to’-videos out there to help us filleting fish or tie one’s tie. But this isn’t al...
Look, it’s a book! 20 Oct 2012 | 01:21 am
When I came home yesterday night from a horribly gone astray Lufthansa flight, I found this addition to the family! I can tell you that mother and child are doing well, and you can visit them printed ...
More kraftwerk man machine related news:
Kraftwerk - Tribal Gathering 1997 22 Aug 2009 | 11:17 pm
Intro (0:39) Numbers (4:07)* Computerworld (3:27)* Home Computer (7:14) Man Machine (7:43)* Tour De France (6:31) Autobahn (11:35) Radioactivity (7:39)* Trans Europe Express (2:31)* Abzug (3:32)* Meta...
Cybernetics update 4/1/2010 2 Apr 2010 | 10:51 am
As anyone that reads this blog knows I'm extremely interested in the new sciences of the "man-machine" interface. Technology is advancing at such a fast pace often called the "Law of Accelerating Ret...
Enter Your Beats for 1Direction Producer Symposium at Miami Music Week 16 Mar 2012 | 03:57 am
Producers Boi-1da and T-Minus are teaming up with Man+Machine to launch a two day producer symposium and workshop. Events will include discussions on the current state of the beat business, tips for ...
Man Machine 2 人机2 8 Feb 2009 | 04:40 am
后面是我翻的。。不过这是两个礼拜以前的事情了,不知道为什么现在才出来。 看了也有好些关于国外装置的资料文章,其实每次心中暗暗想的是:资本主义国家真是发达么!只有有钱的人才会搞得起东西。 我固然觉得interaction installation有趣,但是实用性实在是它的弱点,再说艺术性,似乎...
Kraftwerked – Tim Zawada 1 Jan 2012 | 02:14 am
Kraftwerk tribute mix by Tim Zawada. Tracklist: 1. Autobahn (TZ Intro Edit) 2. Vitamin 3. The Man-Machine 4. Numbers 5. Computer World 2 6. Aero Dynamik 7. Prologue 8. Trans-Europe Express 9...
UniArt 16 Nov 2009 | 03:58 am
UniArt is a PC based Windows platform that offers easy to use monitoring, data logging and controlling SCADA software for DDC/PLC. It establishes a natural Man Machine Interface between the control st...
Peter Cochrane’s Blog: Elementary, my dear Watson 23 Mar 2011 | 12:14 am
IBM’s Watson supercomputer could point way to the ultimate man-machine partnership… ( – CIO Insights)
Racing in Slow Motion IV 19 Jul 2012 | 12:52 am
The win, the defeat, the pain, the passion, man & machine… YouTube user Matzell 89, whose slow motion compilations we’ve seen before, has only gotten better at putting these videos together. The late...
A new usability project 14 May 2012 | 11:13 pm
Since 2006 we've been improving GIMP's user interface with help from Peter Sikking and his team at man + machine interface works. Some of the best improvements in GIMP's UI over past several years are...
Enter Your Beats for 1Direction Producer Symposium at Miami Music Week 15 Mar 2012 | 07:57 pm
Producers Boi-1da and T-Minus are teaming up with Man+Machine to launch a two day producer symposium and workshop. Events will include discussions on the current state of the beat business, tips for ...