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The Seven Deadly Sins of Prologues 26 Aug 2013 | 10:03 pm
Image via Flikr Creative Commons, via Mikko Luntiala To prologue or not to prologue? That is the question. The problem with the prologue is it has kind of gotten a bad rap over the years, especially ...
What is Writing “Voice” 23 Aug 2013 | 09:32 pm
Voice blooms from the heart. All agents want one and all writers want to know what the heck it is. If it was easy to define, then we wouldn’t have countless articles, books and classes to demystify “...
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Coming Soon: Target’s Shoppable Digital Film Starring Kristen Bell 25 Sep 2012 | 09:52 pm
Here’s something new from Target to make digital shopping a little more interactive and fun. The retailer’s latest move to reel in us social media and fashion nerds comes in the form of a “shoppable” ...
4 Ways That Instagram Can Improve Your Business 5 Mar 2013 | 08:25 pm
4 Ways That Instagram Can Improve Your Business Hello insiders! So as you heard from Kristen, Instagram is skyrocketing among the social media sites, and can be very useful towards your business. Sinc...
Music Industry, Social & Tech Daily 12 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
5 Social Media Tips for Your Next Event @GSMIonline 14:32:30, 2013-08-12 Alison Lamb: Why Streaming still matters @midem 15:11:41, 2013-08-12 Toronto Mu...