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Krueger Park und Dumela aus Botswana 15 Mar 2011 | 09:29 pm
Bevor die Reise sich in 10 Tage dem Ende neigt, sollte es doch noch mal einen Bericht aus Afrika geben. Nachdem wir dann wirklich wie gehofft zwei Tage spaeter aus Christchurch abfliegen konnten (auf...
Freddy vs. Jason: One More Time 23 Dec 2011 | 05:02 am
As a kid I had always been obsessed with Freddy Krueger and to me he was the definitive serial killer because he had a face and he wasn’t just an unstoppable physical force but rather a “demon” that k...
The Guinness Fedora 6 Dec 2011 | 05:59 pm
What do Dick Tracy, Indiana Jones, and Freddy Krueger all have in common? They all sport awesome fedoras. Join the ranks of cinema’s finest with one of these beer hats from Guinness. Typically made...
Fright Rags Ready To Unleash The Dream Master 25 Feb 2012 | 09:51 am
You absolutely cannot keep a good dream demon down, and as many of us fans have learned over the past three decades, Freddy Krueger truly is eternal. At least that’s what he told us in Freddy’s Dead. ...
These New Puritans – Schlachtgemetzel inklusive 19 Feb 2010 | 08:12 am
Müsste man Hidden mit Filmen vergleichen, so wären eine Mischung aus Armee der Finsternis, Freddy Krueger und eine Prise Scarface am besten geeignet. Thriller, Horror und großes Drama. Auf ihrem neue...
krueger 01 12 Nov 2009 | 10:15 pm
hjhjhjhhjhjhjhjhjhkjh dfdfdfdfdf sfsdfdffsdffsfsdfdfsf sdsdf
Fine Art Photographer Thomas Krueger 31 Jan 2012 | 12:25 am
Nightmare 27 Aug 2010 | 12:41 am
Un gruppo di ragazzi di periferia condivide un legame: sono tutti pedinati da Freddy Krueger, un assassino orribilmente sfigurato che dà loro la caccia nei loro sogni. Fintanto rimangono svegli, si po...
Amplitube 3 17 Feb 2010 | 01:15 am
ギターアンプの追加だけならアップデート見送りかな...と思ってたんですが。 なにやらベースアンプも追加されてるとな?どれどれと見たところ、 ・Trace Elliot ・GALLIEN-KRUEGER ・Acoustic なかなかいいチョイスじゃないか...!orz買っちゃいそう 大きめサイズのものはAmpegでってことなのかな?各ブランドごとの種類も増やして欲しいところ。 SWRとかVOXとかP...
PocketLabworks releases PocketGK to App Store, March 10, 2011 11 Mar 2011 | 07:17 am
Today, PocketLabworks is excited to release PocketGK to the Apple App Store in partnership with Gallien-Krueger Corporation. PocketGK is the worlds first iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad amp simulator de...