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Deja Vu? 26 Aug 2013 | 07:42 am
So, flying back from Costa Rica earlier this month, we had the strangest thing happen to us. Total, terrifying, deja vu. We had flown from San Jose to Ft Lauderdale, and were waiting for our next fl...
Weekend 26 Aug 2013 | 07:32 am
Had a great weekend, with NO working (as I posted about previously). Me and a toucan at La Paz. Kurt and I had great workouts this weekend. Outside part was running a 5K on Friday, Biking 17.5 mile...
More kurt haskell law firm related news:
Texas Truck Accident Law Firm Launches New Website 3 Jul 2011 | 07:32 am
Texas Truck Accident Law Firm Launches New Website Kurt Arnold Houston, Texas (PRWEB) September 24, 2010 Arnold & Itkin LLP, a nationally known personal ...
Costa Rica--Business Trip? 12 Aug 2013 | 08:10 am
Who takes business trips to Costa Rica? Us! Not related to the law firm, but related to our moving there. Kurt & I want to become permanent residents of the country for various reasons. Mostly, be...