Most la book fest related news are at:

Book Your Thanksgiving Pies! 3 Nov 2011 | 03:20 am
It's time to think about booking your holiday pies! Yes, the Pie Queen had some successful pie-baking for y'all last year, even working out of that tiny, tiny, freezer-less Oakland studio. This year, ...
What's for Dinner? Bugs! 3 Nov 2011 | 02:47 am
So I helped cook up a very nice Halloween dessert a few days ago, something sure to delight and horrify even the most implacable kid. The recipe? Take one big scoop of ghostly white vanilla ice cream....
More la book fest related news:
Targ la Casa Radio 30 Nov 2010 | 05:26 am
Incepand de vineri 3 decembrie va asteptam la Choco Fest, targ ce va avea loc in incinta Casei Radio. Targul va incepe vineri la ora 10 si se va termina duminica 5 decembrie in jurul orei 18. Va astep...
Workshop from Tucson Book Fest: Book is Written, Now What? 16 Mar 2011 | 05:11 am
I'm reproducing my handout from my talk in Tucson: The Book is Written, Now What? Enjoy! Organization and Career Focus What kinds of books do you see yourself writing day in, day out? How many books...
Fotos Raza Fest 2012 10 May 2012 | 04:57 am
Foto de la Raza Fest 2012
Ministar la Prichindel FEST 5 Apr 2012 | 12:06 am
Pe 7 aprilie, de la ora 17, MINISTAR va susţine un recital în cadrul Târgului de Florii şi de Paşti şi a primei ediţii a Prichindel Fest, la Expo Transilvania. Sunteţi aşteptaţi cu mic, cu mare, să as...
LA Film Fest: Close Encounters of the N.E.R.D. Kind 21 Jun 2007 | 06:15 pm
Grammy-winning producer Pharrell Williams is the Artist in Residence at this year’s Los Angeles Film Festival (June 21 – July 2) in Westwood Village. Part of his resident duties required the selection...
Chris Masterson’s ‘Impulse’ Now Available on iTunes 28 Oct 2011 | 08:47 pm
We reported back in January and July of 2010 on Impulse, a pre-apocalyptic short film starring Chris Masterson (Francis) as the protagonist, David. After making its debut at the LA Shorts Fest in July...
Zweites Halbjahr 2012 3 Jul 2012 | 07:30 pm
Am 7. Juli 2012 starten wir mit der Think Pink in das zweite Halbjahr 2012 … Das Think Pink Team ist gewohnt fleißig gewesen und hat bis zum Ende des Jahres gut vorgearbeitet und alle Bookings fest ge...
Fotografie la inaltime, la Padina Fest! 13 Jul 2012 | 05:02 am
Ne pregatim de o noua editie a festivalului Padina Fest: munte, aventura, alpinism, drumetii montane, mountain bike, muzica live si fotografie la inaltime! In perioada 1-5 august 2012, pasionatii de...
15 Fest Expo en el WTC Mexico 6 y 7 de octubre 2012 6 Jul 2012 | 10:43 am
Si buscas las mejores invitaciones para tus 15 años, te recomiendo visitar la 15 Fest Expo que se llevará a cabo en el WTC de la Cd. de México. Lo bueno de la expo es que tendrás en un solo lugar a va...
Ooh-La-La: Book Your Boudoir Photography Session for Valentine’s Day 16 Jan 2013 | 05:00 pm
It took her years to get up the courage to even think about. To even talk about as a possibility. But three months ago, after a four-hour photography session, Nina Ullrich found herself feeling more c...