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Free High Tea cum Investment Seminar 7 Apr 2013 | 09:46 pm
According to Sunday Times, 3 March 2013… “Saving deposit interest rates at bank are at mostly less than 1 per cent these days – still far below this year’s expected inflation rate of between 3.5 per ...
Free High Tea Buffet Cum Investment Seminar 12 Dec 2012 | 06:08 pm
Enjoy Free High Tea buffet cum Investment Seminar at M Hotel, Level 10 on 15 December 2012, Saturday 2.15 to 4pm. What is the investment seminar about? This investment seminar is about investing in ...
More la carousel singapore related news:
JAMES PULL – 2nd AT WSK IN LA CONCA 7 Mar 2012 | 04:17 am
Singapore, 6 March 2012 – James Pull’s 2012 kart racing season got off to a good start with an impressive 2nd place finish at the opening round of the WSK (World Series Karting) Master Series. Held at...
Blackbox wins Local Hero in Market Research at Agency of the Year Awards 2013! 17 May 2013 | 12:42 pm
We are proud to announce that we were awarded Local Hero for Market Research at the 6th Annual Agency of the Year Awards 2013, held at Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore. The winners of the Agency of the Yea...
Vanessa Mae - "The Red Hot Tour" Live Concert At The Royal Albert Hall London 1995 16 Feb 2012 | 02:42 pm
Vanessa-Mae Vanakorn Nicholson s-a născut la 27 octombrie 1978, în Singapore. De altfel, ea împărtăşeşte aceasi zi de naştere cu compozitorul clasic, Paganini. Fiica unei mame din China şi a tatălui t...
Pulau Ubin 2-04-2011 10 Apr 2011 | 08:21 pm
Pulau Ubin es una isla que se ubica enfrente de la costa nordeste de Singapore, con una llamativa forma de boomerang y cubierta por colinas bajas. En la isla, hay muchos senderos, refugios, cabañas, t...
Singapore Airlines, nuevo arrendatario de Catalana Occidente de la mano de Busquets Gálvez 19 May 2010 | 07:58 am
En una operación de alquiler intermediada por el Departamento de Oficinas de Busquets Gálvez, Singapore Airlines se ha convertido en el nuevo ocupante de la planta 9ª del edificio comercial que Catala...
Pilau Tioman ou la douceur de vivre 27 May 2012 | 03:29 pm
Faire un break, partir sur une ile sous le soleil et se laisser vivre… Un premier vol pour Singapore, le “hub” de l’Asie, un autre vol sur un petit avion en direction du paradis qu’est Tioman, cette p...
Welcome Back to Great La! 22 Jan 2012 | 06:29 pm
Hi everyone! Welcome back to Great La! As many may know, our forums were compromised, presumably due to a vBulletin exploit, some time before noon on January 21, 2012, UTC+8 (Singapore time). Thankfu...
MOOD 5 Dec 2011 | 10:43 pm
huhu...kejap jer dah setahun berlalu..nak masuk 2012 dah.....semua list wish aku xde satu pun tercapai..tue la kan...lain yg nak lain yang nak g g bandung plak...nak beli ip...
Singapore Mee Siam 23 Apr 2012 | 05:05 pm
Nasi, nasi, nasi aje..muak le. Sejak dua menjak ni kami kurang makan nasi, jadi kena la pikir menu apa nak masak..Pasta dah, ayam panggang dah, layan roti canai kari kambing untuk makan malam pun dah....
2nd Hari Raya 2009 20 Oct 2009 | 12:58 am
Salam bloggers.. Entry kali ni is for our 2 nd Hari Raya in Singapore.. And guess what?? Our theme is PINK..huhu See how happy Puteri is?? Of course la, her Ayah is wearing her favourite colour.....