Most la tech related news are at:

Technology Business Development Center coordinates training event 26 Aug 2013 | 11:41 pm
Any organization looking to perform research and obtain funding from federal agencies has a chance to get a leg up on the competition, thanks to Louisiana Tech’s Technology Business Development Center...
Louisiana Tech researcher makes worldwide impact, opens doors for students 26 Aug 2013 | 01:59 am
Since receiving the Best of Small Tech US National Innovator Award in 2008, Dr. Yuri Lvov, researcher and professor of chemistry at Louisiana Tech University, has continued to gain worldwide recogniti...
More la tech related news:
Tech Party WT2010 28 Sep 2010 | 06:28 am
Durant el dia de demà (des de es 12h fins les 20h) ens visiten els de la Tech Party WT2010 (hp, intel y microsoft). Citant de la plana web oficial: Intel, Microsoft y HP se unen para presentarte el...
FFVII Remake per PS3?? 11 Dec 2008 | 03:09 am
Dopo la tech demo presentata all'E3 dell'anno scorso, è ormai parecchio che si discute (e ci si strugge xD) sull'eventuale remake per Playstation 3 del leggendario Final Fantasy 7, in assoluto il gioc...
VIDEO: CFB Preview: Malone rips La. Tech 7 Dec 2012 | 01:47 am
CFB Preview on La. Tech being without a bowl game this year. Keywords: College Football, Louisiana Tech Most Commented PostsGearCrave Giveaway: 25 Free T-shirts from DesignByHumans!GearCrave Giveaway:...
Help on G25 23 Feb 2013 | 07:25 pm
Arriva la Tech preview di Assetto Corsa, la installo e dopo mesi riattacco il volante ma.... non va. Lo riconosce, si accendono le luci sul cambio,...
San Jose State beaten by No. 25 La Tech 88-61 3 Mar 2013 | 10:16 am
Making its final road trip of the regular season, San Jose State ran into a team on a roll.
Andhim – The Wizard Of Us EP 16 May 2013 | 03:36 pm
Dernière sortie du label Get Physical Music (disponible depuis quelques jours), le nouveau Andhim est ce que l’on peut décrire comme un EP fantastique. Deux morceaux, deux bijoux sonores. De la tech-h...
[CLIP] OCKNEY – La Plume et la Tech 2 Aug 2012 | 05:10 pm
Découvrez le Nouvel extrait « La plume et la tech » de Ockney, produit par Le Machinist et realise et shoote par Alx et Julien de In-My-Hood ! Donnez votre avis! Vous avez aimé ce billet, abonne...
tutoriel_de_clean_pour_elfquest_album_dreamtime_en_noir_blanc 6 Jul 2013 | 08:04 pm
Tutoriel de clean Elfquest (album Dreamtime en noir & blanc) Introduction Ce tutoriel porte sur l'utilisation de Photoshop (CS4 dans notre cas) pour nettoyer les pages des albums d'Elfquest. La tech...
Amazon will open a Santa Monica office. What does it mean for LA Tech? 1 Aug 2013 | 09:22 am
Two days ago LA Biz Journal announced that is negotiating a 75,000 square foot corporate office in Santa Monica’s Water Garden. They chose a majestic and upscale location for their office...
Morcenx (France) : le plasma pour traiter les déchets radioactifs 27 Aug 2013 | 11:15 am
De concert avec le belge Belgoprocess, la société espagnole Iberdrola Ingenieria a annoncé avoir conclu avec succès les derniers essais sur leur unité de traitement de déchets radioactifs avec la tech...