Most lan over internet related news are at:

Simple DNS Plus 23 Aug 2013 | 08:37 pm
What makes Simple DNS Plus “simple” is its user interface and automation features. All options and settings are available directly from the intuitive Windows user interface. It provides wizards for co...
YUMI 16 Aug 2013 | 06:01 pm
YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is the successor to MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc clon...
More lan over internet related news:
Koneksi LAN via Internet Pake Hamachi 15 Sep 2010 | 03:36 pm
Koneksi LAN pada umumnya menggunakan kabel dan merupakan koneksi lokal yang bisa terhubung tanpa harus terkoneksi ke internet. Kali ini saya coba memberikan solusi bagi anda yg ingin sharing folder at...
Bạn đã sẵn sàng đối đầu với nạn tấn công thương hiệu từ thế giới ảo? 29 May 2012 | 09:46 pm
Các công ty như thể luôn có nhiều điều để lo lắng. Ngoài các vấn đề hóc búa trong nỗ lực cố gắng bảo vệ trang web của công ty khỏi các loại virus lây lan qua internet, rồi các lỗ hổng của hệ thống, và...
Killing Floor Dedicated Server Tutorial for Windows 22 Mar 2010 | 11:23 am
Killing Floor Dedicated Server Tutorial for Windows This tutorial is for a WINDOWS setup and will allow for LAN and internet connections without the need for Steam. Clients must use RevLoader and c...
DELL LATITUDE XT2 Core 2 Duo 1.4 Windows 7 2GB 250GB 12,1" TFT Windows 7 Professional 4 Jul 2012 | 11:10 pm
DELL LATITUDE XT2 Core 2 Duo 1.4 Windows 7 Core 2 Duo 1.4 Ghz Processor 2 GB Geheugen 250GB Harddisk Videokaart 12" TFT dispay Netwerkkaart Wireless LAN ( draadloos internet ) USB Sound Nede...
DELL LATITUDE XT2 Core 2 Duo 1.4 Windows 7 2GB 60GB 12,1" TFT Windows 7 Professional 4 Jul 2012 | 11:09 pm
DELL LATITUDE XT2 Core 2 Duo 1.4 Windows 7 Core 2 Duo 1.4 Ghz Processor 2 GB Geheugen 60GB Harddisk Videokaart 12" TFT dispay Netwerkkaart Wireless LAN ( draadloos internet ) USB Sound Neder...
PC Wake On LAN über Internet und DDWRT Firewall hinweg 5 Oct 2012 | 12:08 pm
Ich zeige, wie man einen DDWRT Router so einstellt, dass man außerhalb des Heimnetzwerks, d.h. über das Internet hinweg mit Smartphone oder einem PC von der Arbeit aus, (heimische) Server und PCs star...
LENOVO ( IBM ) T61 Intel Core 2 Duo T8300 2.1Ghz, 15.4 Inch Widescreen, 2048MB, 160GB, Combo player, Windows Vista Business 26 Nov 2012 | 01:57 am
LENOVO ( IBM ) T61 Intel Core 2 Duo T8300 2.1Ghz Processor 2048MB Geheugen 160GB Harddisk DVD\CDRW Player Videokaart 15.4 Inch Widescreen Netwerkkaart Wireless LAN ( draadloos internet ) US...
Wake a Mac on LAN from Internet via iOS and PHP 25 Jan 2013 | 01:58 pm
LogMeIn is a useful remote control service: shame it doesn’t work when my home Mac has gone into power-saving sleep. I use an ADSL modem in bridge mode which provides a fixed public IP address to my A...
Superbahis158 (Haziran 2013 Yenisi) 12 Jun 2013 | 09:18 am
Süperbahis' in sü sayfası bugün itibari ile yayın hayatına nokta koymuştur. Onun yerine yeni açılan superbahis158 internet sitesini yayına sokan superbahis yetkilileri, yeni internet sa...
Kerio WinRoute Firewall + McAfee AV 5 Jan 2013 | 10:53 am
Kerio WinRoute Firewall + McAfee AV Producator: Kerio Technologies Inc Kerio WinRoute Firewall 6.0 - un instrument pentru a conecta LAN la Internet și de a proteja rețeaua împotriva accesului neautori...