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Star Wars #7 12 Apr 2013 | 09:55 pm
STAR WARS #7 Written by: Brian Wood Art by: Ryan Kelly, Dan Parsons (Inks) Colors by: Gabe Eltaeb Cover by: Rodolfo Migliari On sale July 10 FC, 32 pages $2.99 Ongoing Princess Leia takes the Rebel...
Star Wars 14 Mar 2013 | 05:03 am
STAR WARS #6 Written by Brian Wood Art by Carlos D’Anda Colors by Gabe Eltaeb Cover by Rodolfo Migliari When he and Chewbacca are cornered by Imperials, Han Solo resorts to an improvised plan—wit...
More lantern corps related news:
Green Lantern 26 Apr 2012 | 07:45 am
Dans un univers aussi vaste que mystérieux, une force aussi petite que puissante est en place depuis des siècles : des protecteurs de la paix et de la justice appelés Green Lantern Corps, une confréri...
Set Design Pics of Oa, the Green Lantern Corps Homeworld 25 Oct 2010 | 06:15 am
Blastr just landed some sweet new set design pics of Oa, the headquarters and home world of the Green Lantern corps. Oa seems like a cross between Krypton and the Land of Oz--it even seems to boast i...
Reseñas Breves - "The Phantom Stranger" #42 - "Starman" #81 (Series Resucitadas/One-Shots de "Blackest Night") 24 Jan 2010 | 03:30 pm
Además de "Green Lantern Corps" #44 y "Blackest-Night:-The-Flash"-#2, esta semana salieron dos cómics más relacionado con La Noche Más Oscura y éstos son dos títulos "resucitados": "The Phantom Strang...
Green Lantern en streaming 3 Jul 2011 | 06:59 pm
Green Lantern en streaming, Hal, seul humain membre des Green Lantern Corps, doit rapidement maîtriser ses nouveaux pouvoirs, pour vaincre Parallax mais aussi prouver qu’il est le plus grand Green Lan...
Green Lantern (2011) 720p EXTENDED BDRip Mediafire 10 Oct 2011 | 06:15 pm
Synopsis In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, a small but powerful force has existed for centuries. Protectors of peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern Corps. A brotherhood of war...
Green Lantern 2011 7 Nov 2011 | 07:36 pm
In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, a small but powerful force has existed for centuries. Protectors of peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern Corps. A brotherhood of warriors swo...
Green Lantern 2011 12 Jul 2011 | 11:53 am
SINOPSIS En un universo tan extenso como misterioso, una pequeña pero poderosa fuerza ha existido durante siglos. Protectores de la paz y la justicia ellos reciben el nombre de 'Green Lantern Corps',...
Green Lantern Movie Posters 3 May 2011 | 09:01 pm
"The Live-Action Green Lantern Corps." While I’m as stoked as every other comic book geek about the WonderCon footage that emphasized the sci-fi elements of Green Lantern, I’m still a bit leery about...
LINTERNA VERDE ONLINE 24 Apr 2011 | 09:32 am
En un universo tan extenso como misterioso, una pequeña pero poderosa fuerza ha existido durante siglos. Protectores de la paz y la justicia ellos reciben el nombre de ‘Green Lantern Corps’, una herma...
Lanterna Verde, streaming ITA yahoo videoweed 8 Sep 2011 | 10:08 am
In un universo tanto vasto quanto misterioso, una forza piccola ma potente è esistita da secoli. Sono i Green Lantern Corps, i protettori della pace e della giustizia, una fratellanza di guerrieri che...