Most larry ellison evil related news are at:

More trendy shit happening in Boulder! 27 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
Guess what? There’s yet another holding company. No, not a BDHC, but a RSDHC… A Really Small Dumb Holding Company. It goes by the name, Project WorldWide, and it is opening an agency named School in B...
Smartphones are for dumb fucks! 27 Aug 2013 | 01:02 am
Have you seen the video on YouTube… “I forgot my Phone?” Fucking classic. It’s only been up four days and it’s already had nearly nine million hits. And you know what? I’ll bet most of those are from ...
More larry ellison evil related news:
Lawrence Ellison: gurú informático, excéntrico y millonario 24 Feb 2011 | 01:10 pm
Lawrence J Ellison, conocido como Larry Ellison, tiene 56 años y es el fundador y figura principal de la empresa informática “Oracle”. Es uno de los multimillonarios más conocidos y ocupa el puesto nú...
Ranking 10 najbogatszych ludzi świata 2012 15 May 2012 | 09:23 pm
1.Carlos Slim Helu 2. Bill Gates 3. Warren Buffett 4. Bernard Arnault 5. Larry Ellison 6. Amancio Ortega 7. Eike Batista 8. Stefan Persson 9. Li Ka-...
Za svaki slucaj 16 Dec 2008 | 03:41 pm
Ulazi Larry Ellison (CEO of Oracle Corporation) u lift, a u liftu Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein i Bill Gates. Larry trgne pistolj u kojem ima samo 2 metka. Sta mislite u koga ce pucati? U Billa Gatesa - 2...
Logika Bengkok 3 Nov 2008 | 01:29 am
Media Indonesia - Komunikasi Bisnis SEORANG kawan bernama Andrias Harefa dalam berbagai forum sangat suka menyitir pendapat Larry Ellison. Larry, bos Oracle, pada bulan September 2000 diundang oleh Ya...
OOW SOA Gems: Larry explains SOA and BPM 15 Oct 2009 | 11:54 am
In his keynote Larry Ellison nicely explains SOA in the context of Fusion Applications. His point is that customers do not want to replace exisiting apps, but integrate with them. He even used the wor...
ORACLE 10 Mar 2009 | 12:16 am
ORACLE The RDBMS Oracle was developed by a company called Relational Software Incorporated (RSI), which was formed in year 1977 by Larry Ellison, Bob Minar and ed data. In 1979, this company delivere...
Sailing at over twice the speed of the wind 11 Oct 2011 | 09:15 pm
Oracle founder Larry Ellison takes his boat racing very seriously. His team’s entry in last year’s America’s Cup, the USA-17, sails at over twice the speed of the wind. USA-17 is racing trimaran launc...
Üniversiteyi bugün bırakın… 20 Dec 2011 | 12:08 am
Yale Üniversitesi mezuniyet törenine davet edilen Oracle bilgisayar şirketinin kurucusu ve genel müdürü Larry Ellison şu konuşmayı yapıyor; “Yale Üniversitesi mezunları, daha önce böyle bir giriş ...
Oracle sets new Database Record with SPARC Supercluster 4 Dec 2010 | 11:09 pm
As per Oracle chief, Larry Ellison, Oracle on the SPARC Supercluster can perform as many as 30 million database transactions per minute, which is an amazing achievement considering that it has oversho...
Kaya Ditengah Krisis Berkat Opsi Saham 17 Aug 2010 | 05:28 am
CEO Termahal 2009 Versi Wall Street Journal taken from Julukan ‘Billionaire Dropouts’ pantas disematkan pada sosok Lawrence Joseph Ellison yang kerap disapa Larry Ellison. Dedeng...