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Cercasi professionisti del Web 8 Jun 2013 | 10:24 pm
Cercasi Risorse Umane Per formare una squadra di tecnici volta a diverse nuove realtà aziendali con riferimento a me stesso, si cercano le seguenti risorse umane da inquadrare come collaboratori con ...
Cercasi professionisti del Web 8 Jun 2013 | 10:24 pm
Cercasi Risorse Umane Per formare una squadra di tecnici volta a diverse nuove realtà aziendali con riferimento a me stesso, si cercano le seguenti risorse umane da inquadrare come collaboratori con ...
More lavoro flash actionscript related news:
Galleria Jquery, Ajax, CSS e XML 27 Oct 2011 | 10:16 pm
Ho creato una semplice galleria immagini con HTML, Jquery e Ajax. Questa galleria è gestita semplicemente da un file XML ( images.xml ). Dato che vengo dal mondo Flash/Actionscript sono abituato a ges...
Adding tick marks to a Slider control in Flash using ActionScript 3.0 7 Mar 2009 | 09:26 pm
The following example shows how you can add tick marks to a Flash/ActionScript 3.0 Slider control by setting the tickInterval property. Full code after the jump.
Rotating a Sprite object around its x-axis in Flash using ActionScript 3.0 and Flash Player 10 27 Feb 2009 | 04:45 pm
The following example shows how you can 3D rotate a Sprite object around its x-axis with Flash, ActionScript 3.0, and Flash Player 10 by setting the object’s rotationX property. Full code after the j...
Detecting when the user changes the color in a ColorPicker control in Flash using ActionScript 3.0 29 Dec 2008 | 05:03 am
The following example shows how you can detect when the selected color in a Flash ActionScript 3.0 ColorPicker component by listening for the change event (using the static ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE con...
Getting the currently selected color as a hexadecimal value on a ColorPicker control in Flash using ActionScript 3.0 24 Dec 2008 | 11:33 am
The following example shows how you can get the currently selected color as a hexadecimal value on a Flash ActionScript 3.0 ColorPicker component by using the read-only hexValue property. Full code a...
Toggling the text field on the ColorPicker control in Flash using ActionScript 3.0 24 Dec 2008 | 07:46 am
The following example shows how you can toggle the text field on the Flash ActionScript 3.0 ColorPicker control by setting the Boolean showTextField property. Full code after the jump.
Creating a vertical Slider control in Flash using ActionScript 3.0 24 Dec 2008 | 07:31 am
The following example shows how you can create a vertical Flash ActionScript 3.0 Slider component by setting the direction property to one of the static constants in the SliderDirection class. Full c...
Setting the number of columns on a ColorPicker control in Flash using ActionScript 3.0 24 Dec 2008 | 07:21 am
The following example shows how you can set the number of columns on a Flash ActionScript 3.0 ColorPicker control’s pop up menu by setting the columnCount style. Full code after the jump.
Flash ActionScript 3 for Popup New Windows 31 May 2011 | 12:50 am
function jspopupWindow(event:MouseEvent):void { var desiredURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“‘page.html’,'newWin’,'width=400,height=300,left=0,top=0,toolbar=No,locatio...
JYdigital - flash/actionscript/web design by Jerry Young 16 Feb 2012 | 01:32 pm
... Flash 6. QuickTime: ClientArea: sitemap