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Copper Mines Seeking to Pollute New Mexico Groundwater 27 Aug 2013 | 05:20 pm
The mining industry, conducting its usual anti-social, anti-environmental, and exploitative behavior, is pushing for new rules in New Mexico to escape having to go through a variance process to pollut...
The War On Women 27 Aug 2013 | 09:08 am
Is winning all too many battles. It would be nice if the federal courts would respond to this by actually putting some teeth in the “undue burden” standard, but evidently it’s hard to be optimistic. ...
More lawyers gun and money related news:
Lawyers, Guns and Money 6 Dec 2008 | 09:42 am
Well there wasn’t a lot of actual guns thankfully, but a lot of implied threats, angst, legal wrangling and big money at stake this week in the Federal Parliament as school funding and national curric...
Waddy Wachtel, Session Guitar Legend Feature at Music Radar 27 Aug 2013 | 01:52 am
Lawyers, Guns and Money!!! photo: August 26, 2013 It made my Monday morning to discover Joe Bosso's feature on Waddy Wachtel at MusicRadar. Through the 70's & early 80's, as a high....
Justice for sale 23 Feb 2010 | 03:40 am
"How would you feel if you were in court and knew that the opposing lawyer had contributed money to the judge's campaign fund? This is not an improbable hypothetical question, but could be a commonpla...
The Men Who Stole the World 29 Nov 2010 | 09:06 pm
A decade ago, four young men changed the way the world works. They did this not with laws or guns or money but with software: they had radical, disruptive ideas, which they turned into code, which the...
Fast and Furious Guns / Drug Money & Banks 19 Jan 2013 | 08:58 pm
Tonight, we return with Narco News’ Bill Conroy to go over his latest articles: “Fast and Furious Blurs the Line Between Cops and Crooks“, and “Banks Are “Where the Money Is” In The Drug War“. Also –...
Fast and Furious Guns / Drug Money & Banks 19 Jan 2013 | 08:58 pm
Tonight, we return with Narco News’ Bill Conroy to go over his latest articles: “Fast and Furious Blurs the Line Between Cops and Crooks“, and “Banks Are “Where the Money Is” In The Drug War“. Also –...
Obama Watch – Gun Running, Money Laundering Oh My 7 Aug 2013 | 08:33 am
Dave Cleveland Tue, Aug 6, 2013 Subject: Obama Gang On the Loose Obama to skip meeting with Putin if no change with Snowden Obama does not p...
SAS: Zombie Assault 3 11 Nov 2011 | 02:13 am
Welcome to the elite fighting unit, the SAS. Now you have new guns, an in depth leveling system, five maps and so, so much more awesome! Earn money to upgrade your defenses and your guns. As levels pr...
A Lovely Gallery of Girls with Guns 3 Aug 2010 | 11:33 pm
Props. Who cares? Seriously. Who in the hell gives a shit about a prop? I tell you who. All those perverts out there who you can make a ton of money off of. Seems that today there’s a genre fo...
Dupage Divorce Lawyer Blog 15 Mar 2011 | 03:15 pm
You will find important divorce topics being discussed, such as: Beware: The Unforeseen Divorce Deal Killers, Cooperative Divorce Law: The Premiere Money Saver, or The Unbelievably Simple Secret to a ...