Most lazer beams related news are at:

Uman Before Perestroika, 1989 27 Aug 2013 | 02:01 am
Uman wasn't at all like it is today, since Perestroika (the breakup of the USSR) in 1991. In 1989, still in the hands of the Communists, Uman was high-risk. Rav Shalom Arush got there on a fake Swedis...
Boloney? 26 Aug 2013 | 02:01 am
When Marvin first read The Garden of Peace, he pencilled in the margin, "boloney". But his marriage needed improvement, fast, so something inside of him prodded him to continue reading... See what Ma...
More lazer beams related news:
لیزر انگشتری بیمز 7 Jan 2012 | 05:25 am
لیزر انگشتری بیمز | Laser Finger Beams این محصول دارای ۴ انگشتر لیزری می باشد ! پدیده سال ۲۰۱۲ را به انگشتان خود ببندید و دیگران را حیرت زده نمایید ! با آمار جهانی فروش در هر ۴۸ ثانیه یک عدد … ...
سؤال مهم 26 Jan 2009 | 05:12 am
بخصوص الجزء بتاع الfront axle لما ييجي سؤال بالشكل ده( calculate the max. bending stress in the beam when the truck moving on straight leve road مع العلم إنه معطينا أبعاد الbeam إيه الحل ياجماعة؟؟؟؟؟؟
Willem Dafoe in Jim Beam Commercial 14 Feb 2011 | 02:30 pm
First, there was the hilarious Kevin Bacon commercial and now we get Willem Dafoe doing Jim Beam. This of course isn’t the first time that actors have made TV commercials, but there seems to be a tren...
Rome Apartment Trastevere 17 Feb 2010 | 12:51 am
Accommodation type: Apartment; City: Rome: Region: Lazio Recently renovated, the beautiful apartment "Trastevere" is located on the first floor of a historical building and it has high wooden beamed ...
Nonlinear beam behaviour example 4 Oct 2011 | 09:19 am
This shows the deflection and bending moment history of a propped cantilever loaded with a point load at mid-span. The beam has a plastic moment capacity of 100 kNm and a shape factor of 1.12. A strai...
DigitAlb - NEW Frequency 30 Jan 2010 | 08:08 am
DigitAlb declares that all subscribers of Satellite Platform, will be compensated FREE all days lost from lack of transmission. Eutelsat W2A (10.0E) - 11345.00 H - Txp: C7 - Beam: Europe DVB-S (Q...
Teleport me to Starship Enterprise (NCC-1701) 5 Feb 2011 | 09:53 am
That’s the answer to today’s Daily Post! When teleportation is finally possible, where will you beam yourself first? And the answer follows just below: Starship Enterprise Starship Enterprise! Is...
Teleport me to Starship Enterprise (NCC-1701) 4 Feb 2011 | 11:25 am
That’s the answer to today’s Daily Post! When teleportation is finally possible, where will you beam yourself first? And the answer follows just below: Starship Enterprise Starship Enterprise! Is...
Boxhead Amateur Review 22 Dec 2010 | 03:41 pm
Boxhead 2 - The Boxhead Amateur are a somewhat aboriginal alternation of crank adaptation amateur created, appear in beam and accessible to play chargeless online at abounding gaming websites. Curren...
Papa, the Adonis in the long johns with a flap in the back. 15 Aug 2010 | 09:16 am
As I flit through the reminiscences of my early childhood, I see a live Charlie Chaplin, silent, fast forward comic strip of my dad, his long johns sparkling white with the beam of the full moon, and ...