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Guidance for Product Category Rule Development for public comment 21 Jan 2013 | 10:01 pm
The Guidance for Product Category Rule Development has been released for public comment.This guidance document is a response to a widely recognized need for additional instruction on the development o...
Job Posting:Researcher in life-cycle analysis (LCA), applied to the retrofitting of buildings 21 Jan 2013 | 09:42 pm
Job Description: A 2 year research contract, in the frame of a research project dedicated to the environmental assessment of the retrofit of residential building in Brussels, using Life-Cycle Assessme...
More lca related news:
SCHOTT Solar strebt als erstes Unternehmen in der Solarbranche neues TÜV Rheinland Ökobilanzzertifikat an 28 Feb 2012 | 01:00 pm
Neues TÜV Rheinland Zertifikat "LCA Methode zertifiziert" überprüft die korrekte und systematische Anwendung der Ökobilanzmethode SCHOTT Solar ist das erste Unternehmen, das diese Methode durch TÜV R...
Indian Naval LCA TEJAS NP 1 Undergoes Engine Trials Successfully 3 Oct 2011 | 01:12 am
India has achieved yet another major achievement as it carried out a successful debut Engine Ground Run of the indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) prototype NP1 for the Indian Navy. The naval LCA p...
Peak PKC0AZ 450 Amp Jump Starter 21 Jan 2012 | 03:06 am
Brand : Peak Model : PKC0AZ Item_weight : 1535 Peak Jump Starter is a 450 Amp jump starter with 900 Peak amps of power. This unit has the Peak exclusive Low Charge Alert (LCA) technology that warns... 3 Feb 2012 | 07:58 am
Bresil décembre 2011 Mon trip au Brésil se passe bien, les premiers jours, je ne pouvais pas naviguer suite à ma blessure du genou/ligament LCA Donc musculation très régulièrement, pour favoriser au ...
[Annuaire] LCA Foot 38 - Le Grand-Lemps, Colombe, Apprieu (2011-09-02) 2 Sep 2011 | 10:00 am
LCA Foot 38 : club de football de la ligue Isère (38) regroupant les communes du Grand-Lemps, de Colombe et d'Apprieu.
كلمة أبو الإنترنت في مؤتمر لينكس الثاني عشر 26 Jan 2011 | 03:29 am
مؤتمر لينكس LCA هو أهم وأكبر مؤتمر في مجال لينكس والمصدر المفتوح على مستوى العالم، يعقد سنوياً في استراليا لمدة 6 أيام لمناقشة كل ما يتعلق بلينكس والمصدر المفتوح. بدأت الدورة الثانية عشر تحت اسم LCA20...
Tant va la LCA à la librairie qu'à la fin elle se ruine 23 Oct 2010 | 06:22 pm
Largo Winch,album 9, "Voir Venise...", par Van Hamme et Francq, éditions Dupuis Depuis plusieurs semaines, restriction budgétaire oblige (c’est la crise mes bons amis, c’est la crise), il m’est inter... 1 Feb 2011 | 08:03 am
Decalog (sinteza obiectivelor RDCN) 1) Redescoperirea trecutului ţării este prioritară. Nu trebuie să vă ştiţi trecutul, ca să nu vă mai pese. Iar dacă nu vă mai pasă, o să acceptaţi să fiţi călcaţi ...
Dragon Age 2 Fenris 5 Jul 2011 | 06:54 am
images Dragon Age 2 romance guide | Dragon Age 2. Michigan123 06-01 06:00 PM get LCA for Home Location and your office (Or client Location) in single LCA I am working for Big 5 and they did the sa...
Climat : bilan de la réunion à Tianjin, une histoire de petite cuillère 22 Nov 2010 | 08:19 pm
Conciliabule informel des négociateurs (pour débloquer la situation) lors de la séance plénière du groupe AWG-LCA à Tianjin, 9 oct 2010 Article publié initialement sur adopt a negotiator. A Tianji...