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– CrossFit Evolution - First CrossFit Gym in Central Florida since 2007
08.26.13 Monday 27 Aug 2013 | 02:15 am
MJ, Brooke & Jack Group mobility, then How many rounds can you do in 20 mins of: 20 Thrusters (100/63) 20 Pull-ups 20 Burpees For Rx+ use 135/83 & do Chest To Bar Pull-ups. Post scores to comments...
08.24.13 Saturday 24 Aug 2013 | 10:28 pm
Kevin Rack Jerk 1-1-1-1-1, then With a continuously running clock do 1 Wall Ball on the 1st minute, 2 Wall Balls on the 2nd, 3 on the 3rd... Continue as long as possible. Fraction sets if necessar.....