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Where can i find an online pronunciator that can say words for me in korean? 30 Nov 2012 | 05:03 pm
Q. i am trying to learn some korean phrases and i need to find an online program/web that can say words for me in korean. A. I know two thing that might work First thing: 1. Go here: http://freetra...
Learn More About Spanish Phrases 18 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
A lot of people would love to learn another language and Spanish is one that in a lot of countries around the world. Learning basic Spanish phrases can help you travel, order food and other basic conv...
Learn Bicol : Basic Bicolano Phrases 9 Jan 2009 | 04:21 pm
It’s always nice to know at least a little about the language / dialect of the places we visit. In the Caramoan Islands, the local communities speak Bicol or Bicolano. If you’re planning on visiting t...
What You Should Learn In Travel Language Books 14 Jan 2013 | 09:12 am
When traveling, you need to learn basic phrases that can help you get help from locals in your location, which is why you buy a language guidebook before you turn to ask for help. However, these guide...
Tourism Series, Lesson 7: Essential Services (free pdf guide, get… 8 Jul 2011 | 09:39 am
Knowing how to handle basic services in your trip to Brazil is imperative. So in this lesson you will learn useful vocabulary, expressions and phrases about basic services such as: the bank, post-offi...
Glossary of Auto Insurance Phrases You Ought to Know 11 Aug 2012 | 03:58 pm
Do you need to safe the auto insurance coverage protection you want on your carall One basic plot of carrying out that is by learning the phrases pertinent to it. The advantages of learning and colorf...
Tips On How You Could Make Money In The Stock Market 7 Dec 2012 | 12:15 pm
Financial experts and novice investors alike can always learn something by going over the basics of stock market investing. That phrase that everyone knows about, "buy low, sell high," isn't all there...
Fearlessness: 3 Things You Can Learn From Special Ops And Navy SEALS 21 Aug 2013 | 07:24 pm
“One-man army.” It’s a phrase that gets thrown around lightly. But for 7 hours, Hector Cafferata was exactly that. On November 28, 1950 during the Korean war, the then 21-year-old took on an entire ...
Korean Dialect Lessons with Seokjin – Lesson #3 10 Aug 2013 | 03:02 am
In this series, you can learn along side Terris as Seokjin teaches him some phrases in 경상도 사투리, the dialect spoken by people from the Gyeongsang Province area, which includes cities like 대구, 부산, 마산, 포...
Korean Dialect Lessons with Seokjin – Lesson #3 10 Aug 2013 | 03:02 am
In this series, you can learn along side Terris as Seokjin teaches him some phrases in 경상도 사투리, the dialect spoken by people from the Gyeongsang Province area, which includes cities like 대구, 부산, 마산, 포...