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Supporting Cognitive Performance 26 Aug 2013 | 07:16 pm
It’s clear that our brains aren’t the logical problem-solvers we’d like to be. The evidence on our different thinking systems makes clear that we use intuition when we can, and hard thinking when we ...
Stop training! Or, how to get there from here 14 Aug 2013 | 06:27 pm
One of the things I’m wrestling with right now is the transition from where we’re at to where we should be. I’ve already said we have to change, the question is how. A number of us have talked about ...
More learning tools related news:
National Small Business Week 2011 12 May 2011 | 08:55 am
May 16th–20th: National Small Business Week 2011 National Small Business Week offers learning tools from successful industry experts Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has pr...
Here’s The Entire DVD in 6 Chapters 15 May 2012 | 05:50 am
What you’re seeing in this video is something new where you can view streaming video by chapter. The one problem with streaming video as a learning tool has been that you would have to start from the ...
What are some of the self improvement products available nowadays? 27 May 2012 | 12:34 am
1. Self improvement audio programs. One of the most effective learning tools available. In the fast paced world of today, finding time to read can be difficult. But it is easy to use otherwise wasted ...
Effective Communication for Colleges 25 Sep 2011 | 12:39 am
Effective Communication for Colleges Simply put, this new edition is power packed with just the right learning tools. Each chapter of EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION FOR COLLEGES (ECC), 11e, includes feature...
B737 QRG – Boeing 737 Quick Reference Guide by Bill Bulfer 19 Oct 2011 | 10:23 pm
Quite recently we reviewed 737 Alerts by Bill Bulfer and we thought it was an awesome learning tool for Boeing’s popular 737. Around the same time Bill, alongside software developer Robert Dorsett, p...
Cisco Voice over IP 19 Mar 2009 | 10:49 pm
Cisco Voice over IP (CVOICE), Third Edition, is a Cisco-authorized, self-paced learning tool for CCVP foundation learning. This book provides you with the knowledge and skills required to plan, design...
Marriage Enrichment Retreat 25 Mar 2012 | 11:15 pm
Had attended marriage enrichment retreats during our early years in a Catholic community in the past. These retreats has been our learning tool and experience for us spouses wherein we were presented...
WinFlash Basic 22 Jan 2009 | 07:19 am
Award-winning Flashcard Study and Testing System - Memorize study material fast! Create reusable decks, study and track your progress with this leading-edge learning tool! Powerful multimedia capabili...
Using Blogging as a Learning Tool 24 Nov 2010 | 12:42 pm
Two years ago I taught a communications class in De La Salle University and one of the things I required my students to do was blog. Back then they had to upgrade their school email into a Google Acco...
The Great Big American Auction 24 Nov 2011 | 03:40 am
A new show premieres on December 8 that might be a great learn tool for vintique hunters. It's call The Great Big American Auction on ABC. In the show, Ty Pennington visits flea markets, attics, garag...