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– Mizohican
Chp 461. Russian escapade in Goa 21 Aug 2013 | 12:06 pm
Since yesterday, I think at least 50 of my Facebook friends have shared this article on their walls, many agreeing with it. When I read it last night too, even though I’m a guy, I could relate to it i...
Chp 460. Happy Independence Day India 16 Aug 2013 | 11:37 am
A few months ago, there was this small incident here in Mumbai where a uniformed Policeman racially abused me and some of my Mizo friends with words such as “Kanchha” and “Kathmandu”. I wrote a blog p...
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What Tips Should Homeowners Follow When Screening Contractors 19 Feb 2013 | 10:21 pm
There are piles of information on getting the right contractor to do a remodel, addition or major repair job. Get a licensed and insured contractor that will draft an understandable agreement, that is...