Most leave past tense related news are at:

At the Latest and At Least in Korean 18 Aug 2013 | 11:23 pm
I just learned how say ‘at the latest’ and ‘at least’ in Korean. There are two descriptive verbs when added with 어도 gives that maximum and minimum meaning. 늦어도 (neujeodo) - at the latest (even thou...
Use of Simple Modifier 15 Aug 2013 | 10:15 pm
So i have learned that the simple modifier (으)ㄴ can be easily done by attaching it to base for of the verb. USing this modifer allows creation of noun phrse or a clause that modifies a noun. The sim...
More leave past tense related news:
Simple Past Tense 7 Jan 2012 | 06:41 pm
<img class="alignleft" title="simple past tense" src="...
Learn English – THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE 1 Nov 2011 | 02:03 am
THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE I You He/ She/ It spoke did not speak did I/ you/ he/ she/ it speak? did I/ you/ he/ she/ it not speak? ...
Apple’s iPad Put Down These 3 Gadgets 8 Dec 2011 | 07:24 am
In today’s fast technological advancement, it is more than likely that many hi-tech gadgets will find themselves in the past tense because of the presence of more innovative and effective devices. In ...
Word Puzzle #102 3 Sep 2011 | 11:13 pm
A verb that becomes past tense by moving the initial letter to the last position. Solution : Click here Write your answer here in comment (if you like this puzzle, please click on Facebook like or ...
You guys awoken a sleeping DRAGON . 4 Nov 2011 | 01:24 pm
Jumping high , that's what I taught myself to do since young Believe it or not , I use to have a goody two shoes reputation . I used to . Past tensed , previous , whatever way you may put it . I...
greatest kid comment ever? 7 Apr 2009 | 08:11 am
We have a giant bucket of little plastic animals (doesn't everyone?) A recent visitor asked ivy about one of them. "That's an alligator," she said, adding: "alligator is the past tense of crocodile."
Air Asia Ohh Air Asia.. 11 Apr 2011 | 02:41 pm
Pagi Yg Gerammm.. huhuhu.. Ok. citer past tense dulu. Semlm hari Ahad. Nak booking la tiket Air Asia. Jauh nak pegi ha - pegi Kolompo. Org kata kat Kolompo ada mcm2. Tu yg mcm teringin je nak pi tgk....
In Past Tense bc I have to Post Now 24 Jan 2011 | 03:09 pm
First things first! Congratulations to one of my beautiful besties, Steph and her NEW fiance Frankie for their engagement yesterday! Such a beautiful and fun couple and it’s so exciting yet knew it w...
Neglected 11 Oct 2011 | 08:20 am
neglected: past participle, past tense of neglect Fail to care for properly: "my blog has been sadly neglected" Not pay proper attention to; disregard: "I neglect my eating habits"; "I neglect wor....
(My) Past tense… 7 May 2008 | 08:02 pm
It’s been a while de cand nu am mai scris. Vreau sa postez azi cateva ganduri despre mine, de unde vin, ce s-a intamplat de-a lungul timpului cu mine…. hope you will like it, caci e scris intr-o manie...